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  • Owen Paterson #Torysleaze
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    Theyre not even really trying to hide the corruption


    yet the result will be

    Con +2% in the next poll

    Full Member

    You mean we can’t all just change the rules if we’re found to have broken the rules?

    Well that doesn’t seem very fair

    Full Member

    I wonder how many real whistleblowers who have lost their jobs and any chance of remaining in the same industry are thinking of his claims about being a whistleblower fearlessly standing up for justice or if that fails his employers interests.

    Free Member

    But it’s very important not to call them scum. Amoral, corrupt *****, but not scum.

    Once again, we are turning into a banana republic where if the government doesn’t like the rules or the law it either just ignores it or changes it to suit.

    Full Member


    He was paid a total of £100k a year by two businesses, on top of his salary. Then goes and asks favours for them both.

    How is that defensible in any world?

    The system is shit if the MPs get to vote on the outcome of the independent investigation, but FFS this is not the case to use as an example of a broken system. Quite the opposite.

    If you were a hard-working MP who chooses to take no consultancies you’d be livid. And there are some good MPs out there.

    I hope he loses the by-election.

    Free Member

    Well this is a world where David Cameron isn’t in jail over the Greensill affair so, you know…

    Full Member

    But it’s very important not to call them scum. Amoral, corrupt *****, but not scum.

    There was an article online saying that they (the Tories) considered the Head of the Standards Committee to be biased against Tories and Brexiteers.

    Surely that just shows that it’s Tories and Brexiteers who are the scummy corrupt amoral ones?!

    Free Member

    They are apparently upset because it’s so unfair that he wasn’t allowed to call 17 character witnesses to tell them what a great guy he is, because it’s not relevant to whether he broke the rules or not 🤷‍♂️

    Also, blaming the inquiry for his wife’s suicide is particularly scummy. Maybe if you hadn’t broken the rules there wouldn’t have been an enquiry. Accountability is for the little people it seems.

    Full Member

    My mp, complete ****

    Full Member

    I can’t work out whether they’re so completely detached from reality that they don’t know how bad this looks, or they just view us all with such utter contempt that they just don’t care.

    On reflection it’s probably both

    Full Member

    I can’t work out whether they’re so completely detached from reality that they don’t know how bad this looks, or they just view us all with such utter contempt that they just don’t care.

    On reflection it’s probably both

    Yeah I reckon it’s both.

    Free Member

    Strange if you worked in any part of the Financial Services sector and did the same, even a lowly claims adjuster like me, you’d be in serious sh*te, taking money in return for favours..

    Free Member

    Further world beating levels of slease and corruption, the UK political system is rotten to the core.

    Free Member

    I can’t work out whether they’re so completely detached from reality that they don’t know how bad this looks

    Oh they know, but they’ve calculated that they can get away with it, and they’re almost certainly correct.

    Full Member

    they just view us all with such utter contempt that they just don’t care

    This one.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    you’d be in serious sh*te, taking money in return for favours..

    I can’t really think of a job where you wouldn’t be in serious shite for a proven case of corruption, other than an MP, where you get to be judge and jury on yourself

    Full Member

    Strange if you worked in any part of the Financial Services sector and did the same, even a lowly claims adjuster like me, you’d be in serious sh*te, taking money in return for favours..

    Yep. As a civil servant I have to annually retake the modules on bribery etc, and when I visit a client, I’m probably OK accepting a cup of coffee, but if I have a biscuit as well, jeez, the paperwork!

    Free Member

    Chris Bryant very politely but effectively tearing Leadsom a new one

    Full Member

    Leadsom could be outwitted by a packet of Monster Munch

    Full Member

    Whys Paterson even bothered about a recall its been a tory safe seat since 1832 !!

    Full Member

    Just done the email to my mp asking why he thinks it acceptable for an elected mp self enriching when i would get fired for the same.
    Will no doubt get the usual bs back from him but hopefully they all get enough emails that it makes them think again like the water issue

    Full Member

    Apparently some are worried about the optics. Won’t stop them voting for it though.

    Let’s face it, if the myriad other scandals haven’t damages this government, some internal Westminster stuff which means nothing to most people will be long forgotten by the next election.

    But I agree. It’s scandalous.

    Full Member

    Just to add, the actual punishment of suspension for 30 days seems like getting off lightly. Especially balanced against the reward of £100k pa he ‘earns’ from his ‘side hustle’. One full time job is enough for most people.

    Free Member

    As expected, the scum have voted to protect a corrupt MP. Because they can get away with it.

    Full Member

    Oh they know, but they’ve calculated that they can get away with it, and they’re almost certainly correct.

    Its just the normal escalation process isnt it? Get away with something small and so you do it again but slightly worse and then keep building from there.

    Full Member

    the actual punishment of suspension for 30 days seems like getting off lightly.


    Free Member

    Tbh, it makes a pleasant change from sexual harassment charges for the Tory’s.

    Full Member

    SNP have said theyll boycot the new committee, all other parties should do the same

    Full Member

    Absolutely devoid of anything approaching a sense of honesty. The Tory party would rather Parliament smears itself in its own shit to protect one of their number rather than actually hold themselves accountable.

    Utterly disgusting scenes of total moral cowardice.

    Full Member

    North Shropshire is an exceedingly safe Tory seat, rich landowners, rich old people, serf like working population in low paid jobs doing what they are told and voting their masters in.

    Can’t be risking that with a suspension potentially triggering a by-election.

    Full Member

    A few years ago we had to ask one of our suppliers to stop sending us [check’s google] 35pence desk calendars each year, as it fell foul of our bribery and corruption policy.

    If I were found to accept so much as a bottle of whisky I’d be out the door faster than I knew what was happening. So how in the name of the Baby James Brown can he claim a HUNDRED flipping thousand pounds for favours is not blatant bribary?!

    Full Member

    Also, blaming the inquiry for his wife’s suicide is particularly scummy.

    There must be more to the eye there. She hung herself on his birthday IIRC – that could be a coincidence or it could be much much more significant.

    Full Member

    whats worse, if there were a GE tomorrow, I’d put money on the tories getting back in with a significant majority.

    Free Member

    next onto the boundary changes.

    Full Member

    And voter ID.

    And neutering the Electoral Commission.

    The already have the voting system stacking well in their favour, but why take chances?

    Full Member

    Amazingly my local tory voted against the amendment. To my horror i am actually developing some respect for him

    Full Member

    As predicted mine voted with the government, spineless shit

    Full Member

    As per Kimbers +2/3 next poll.

    Free Member

    As predicted mine voted with the government, spineless shit

    As did mine. He has a paid directorship from two companies based in the Bahamas and two in the Cayman Islands which pay him over £50000 per year plus a bonus of £22000 in 2020 for an expected 8hrs per week. Plus £12000 a year for an ‘expected’ 22 hrs per year for Allpay Ltd in the UK.
    All properly registered of course (!) but the trouble for parliament is that mud slung in one area tends to stick elsewhere so it does make one wonder about what exactly having those five other jobs does to advance his work as as an MP.

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