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  • One of those rides
  • GhostRider
    Free Member

    Nipped out for an evening quicky just in time to catch the sun set. Rode from the house up through snowy, icy trails in the last of the sunshine reached a local high point and bagged a few nice pics, stuck the lights on ready for an easy, dusky, downhill ride home in time to take the kids for Burger king….Nice

    30sec after starting off home going downhill hit a frozen tractor rut, lost the wheels…thump elbow first into ribs on to shoulder, think iv’e bruised a rib, Oh well on we go. Peddle peddle nearly there home in 10mins, i’ll just switch a gear….crunch what the f%^& was that, stop get off look, chain off. up end bike, what the f%^&s going on here, chain between big sprocket and spokes, just give it a quick tug..oh oh not that way…chain now stuck…pull the other way…bad idea chain now really stuck. Quick assessment of situation its about -1deg, getting dark and the mini tool certainly dosen’t have a cassette lock ring tool and there are two kids at home waiting on me for a trip to Burger King..f$%£ it i’ll walk and phone the missus tell her what’s up, i’ll just get my phone out the back pack….oops left it at home. Walk, its only about a mile down a road, carry bike (30lbs) because the bag wheels jammed, got half way..rib and shoulder now getting sore so i just locked the bag wheel with the brake and dragged the bitch all the way home, goodbye one 6month old conti vert. Got home expecting the worried “oh where were you, i was so worried” yeh right “where you been dad we’re hungry”. Told the story to the missus she just thinks i’m daft……she dosen’t ride. I was initially a bit pissed but then started to grin,,fantastic that was fun.

    Worst thing about the whole experience was on the walk home while carrying my bike down the road i was passed by another MTB’r, he didn’t speak, he didn’t stop, he didn’t even look back. Hope he gets punctures, made me think i’ll never do that if anyone looks as if they need a hand, ask, they can always explain what’s up and even if there’s nothing that can be done you’ve offered.

    Fixy bike time tomorrow morning, maybe even squeeze in a quick test ride..

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