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  • Oligarchy, or democracy?
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    THM if you are not a tory then state what party you vote for and save so many of us on here from making the same mistake,.

    It’s a shame when people have to tie themselves to political parties. Makes it difficult to be rational at times

    Why the passive aggression ? Is everyone who votes for a party or a member of one irrational? Seems a bit OTT of a claim tbh and hard to defend.
    Just state who you vote for it hardly “bait” just a straight fwd claim you have chosen to sidestep.

    Free Member

    In your defence Ernie, the IMF themselves used to make the same mistakes until reluctantly they had to conclude last month that

    The UK’s economy is expected to continue to grow strongly. Demand is becoming more balanced, with stronger business investment. But despite rapid employment growth, some slack remains in the labour market and labour productivity has been low

    So if you want to give the Tories a hard time at least look in the right area, such as weak productivity. That’s the reason why wages are depressed not ideology as is often spouted.

    Free Member

    went back into negative growth (check ONS YoY data since 2010)

    Which bit of “the UK went back into negative growth” are you disputing ?

    You will note from the ONS data that when the Tories came to power 2010 they inherited a recovering and growing economy (the opposite of what they claim).

    You will also note from the ONS data that the UK went back into negative growth several times after the Tories came to power.

    Try putting your glasses on. Negative growth is those bits below the zero mark 💡

    You will also note from my previous graph that when the Tories came to power in 2010 the UK economy was growing faster than the Eurozone countries, something which Tories like you prefer to keep quiet about.

    And of course the dominate political force in the Eurozone is the conservative parties.

    Free Member

    In your defence Ernie, the IMF themselves used to make the same mistakes until reluctantly they had to conclude last month that

    The UK’s economy is expected to continue to grow strongly. Demand is becoming more balanced, with stronger business investment. But despite rapid employment growth, some slack remains in the labour market and labour productivity has been low

    Did you read this bit which I previously posted ?

    All economies eventually recover periods of recession

    It’s been 6 years ffs. The Tories inherited a recovering and growing economy FOUR YEARS AGO.

    Free Member

    Keep digging

    1Q10 onwards (% YoY real GDP): 0.8, 2.1, 2.5, 2.2, 2.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.0, 0.6, 0.7, 0.4, 0.8, 1.7, 1.7, 2.7, 2.9, 3.2, 3.0

    Tell me which number is a negative one?

    We did have QoQ negative members (never 2 in a row) in 3Q10, 2Q11, 2Q12 and 4Q12.

    Otherwise positive data – bad luck!

    Yes, trying to pretend that Europe’s malaise is related to Conservatives is brilliant spin even by your standards. Compare the main socialist government in Eu with the Tories and then try again.

    At some point, the Tories may actually deliver some fiscal consolidation (they do spin that story) but may be that is why the EC announced this week that “some fiscal consolidation is necessary”. To use your phrase, no shit Sherlock

    Free Member

    Anyway still not even close to an oligarchy

    Free Member

    Because you can’t think of anything else to say THM you’ve decided to dream up things which I haven’t said. I said that the UK went back into negative growth after the Tories came to power, the ONS figures show that.

    I didn’t say anything about year over year growth rate, but because you can’t attack what I’ve said you’ve decided to attack something that I haven’t said.

    Anyway, I ain’t got time for this nonsense, I’m going out and need to get ready 🙂

    Free Member

    Enjoy yourself – nonsense and dreaming things up very apt descriptions, just need to be applied correctly.

    Free Member

    Thanks fella, and you enjoy dreaming up more things I haven’t said to justify your Tory spin 🙂

    Free Member

    That’s odd, I could have sworn they were voted into their jobs on a regular basis – how many jobs have that obligation?

    I could also swear that prospective MPs need to be selected as candidates, this effectively rules out anyone capable of either original thought or true, objective, political acumen.

    What recovery ? its smoke and mirrors mate, the only people to benefit will be the money jugglers.

    Free Member

    Thanks cheeky, I am fully aware of the nature of the recovery thanks. Helps if you read what I say not what EL claims I say. Try the we are all doomed thread for a recent example. I think you will find that the money jugglers are having their own problems too.

    Free Member

    I could also swear that prospective MPs need to be selected as candidates, this effectively rules out anyone capable of either original thought or true, objective, political acumen.

    Prospective parliamentary candidates do not need to be selected by anyone. You just need £500 deposit and the signatures of 10 registered electors from the constituency that you wish to stand in.

    Political parties understandably like to select the candidates which stand on their behalf, but you are not obliged to stand on their behalf.

    Obviously you are unlikely like to win an election if you don’t stand as the official candidate of a political party, but that’s up to the voters to decide – they are fully entitled to vote for you if they want to. And they do occasionally vote for independents.

    Any lack of independents in the House of Commons is down to the voters and no one else – so blame them if you are unhappy with election results.


    Free Member

    Any lack of independents in the House of Commons is down to the voters and no one else – so blame them if you are unhappy with election results.

    Plus 1, even more so with the rise of cheap mass communication.

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