On the back of this thread I remembered I had a 35mm Olympus mju in the loft. It’s a nice little compact, but switching to digital meant I stopped using it
Anyway, a quick Google suggests it’s worth proper money. Way more than it was new
Mjus have a massive reddit/youtube/hipster following thats pumped up the price. They’re also tiny and plastic so theres quite a high failure rate as they age. I would ell it now before the bubble burts.
Re nightsout. Glass and a flash reign supreme when its dark the flash alone does alot of heavy lifting and the optics minimise the trickery required to get a shot in time captured. As good as phones are they rely on senors and whatever multi shot layering plus maybe ai and that just doesn’t compete in the dark if all the data they pic up is a bit shit. Cameras are also alot more ergonomic. Strap round the wrist and it can stay in your hand all night without it being awkward/dropping/ running out of battery for your uber home.