Home Forums Chat Forum OK, so if there's a recession on, why can't I recruit any staff ?

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  • OK, so if there's a recession on, why can't I recruit any staff ?
  • trailmonkey
    Full Member

    All right, that was a bit of a flippant opener and I’m aware that there are a lot of people out of work, I was in that situation myself a month ago. Problem is, I can’t recruit anyone to fill the roles that we’ve got.

    Offering decent wages for the positions but still nothing. Anyone got any pointers ?

    If anyone is available, I need multi drop drivers in Devon.

    Full Member

    They’re all out rioting 😀

    Free Member

    Are you providing the vehicles? what do you mean by decent rates?

    Full Member

    depends what you’re recruiting in. I am a structural/stress analyst with 10 years experience and it appears (by fluke) that the world is my oyster. Everyone is desperate for experienced analysts at the moment and there is a huge skills gap.

    If, however, you are looking for project engineers, then things are different.

    Free Member

    They’re probably still out complaining about the “Polish taking our jobs” (to quote a particularly feckless individual from Manchester).

    Free Member

    I have a van with quite a bit of spare time at the moment. Thing is, a mate of mine in Tewkesbury does something similar to you and explained how the rates worked – they seemed very much weighted towards me making two fifths of bugger all for a day driving all over the shop (not saying that your communist drivers cooperative would work anything like that 😉 ) – how much would one stand to make in a day versus mileage versus hours versus mileage – using his own van?

    Free Member

    yeah tell us more I know a bloke looking for driving work in exeter.

    Full Member

    send me info please Mr Monkey

    Free Member

    …..£6 per hour ….own transport/fuel required ….

    Free Member

    We too seem to find it hard to get staff when we have vacancies. It seems the unemployed can afford to be choosy.

    When I was unemployed I couldnt afford to be choosy.

    Perhaps as a novel idea that may boost the economy we should do away with benefits, thereby lowering our taxes and encourage people to work. For those that say there is no work, well without benefits they will have to invent work for themselves. Sell their labour/skills/services etc. Like any business.

    Free Member

    If anyone is available, I need multi drop drivers in Devon

    fiver an hour and all you can eat

    Free Member

    they will have to invent work for themselves.

    ooh that’s a good one! they could sell drugs on the street! 🙄

    Free Member

    Drivers are at a premium at the moment, here in Bristol you can’t get them for love nor money.

    Full Member

    allthepies – Member

    They’re probably still out complaining about the “Polish taking our jobs” (to quote a particularly feckless individual from Manchester).

    Was that the guy on the news who was clearly pissed as a fart at 9 in the morning? Quality! 😀

    Free Member

    What about an STW “jobs offered/jobs wanted” forum alongside the classifieds? 😉

    Full Member

    we’re supplying vans and insurance and they should make 375 – 400 a week which is a good wage in Devon.


    Free Member

    North or South?

    Free Member

    I’d take you up on that if I wasn’t chained to the kitchen sink.. 🙁

    EDIT: In fact I’d snap that up..

    Free Member

    Perhaps as a novel idea that may boost the economy we should do away with benefits, thereby lowering our taxes and encourage people to work. For those that say there is no work, well without benefits they will have to invent work for themselves. Sell their labour/skills/services etc. Like any business.

    Full Member

    south devon, based out of exeter

    yunki anytime

    Free Member

    If you are supplying hte vehicles and insurance ( but not the petrol?) and you think they will make 400 a week then your advert is wrong perhpas – in the wrong place or gives the wrong impression

    Free Member

    Not just the OP having difficulty.

    Looking to recruit a new member of our GP partnership – a well thought of, high earning set-up. Pretty decent income. Nice part of the world.

    Very few decent applicants… Perhaps I should put something in the “for sale” section. 👿

    Free Member

    we’re supplying vans and insurance and they should make 375 – 400 a week which is a good wage in Devon.


    I wouldn’t say 52×375 = 19.5k a year is a good wage anywhere, in Devon its actually equivalent to an average wage.

    Perhaps you cannot employ people because the money is not actually that great.

    Full Member

    6hr, own transport?

    I have a cargo bike.. I’m on my way 😀

    Full Member

    19k without qualifications (other than a driving license) or experience doesn’t sound too bad to me.

    Whats an average wage? 1000000 ppl on 10K and 1000ppl on 200K (imaginary figure ok, they won’t work out, it’s just to make a point)…

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t say 52×375 = 19.5k a year is a good wage anywhere, in Devon its actually equivalent to an average wage.

    Perhaps you cannot employ people because the money is not actually that great.

    Well, the starting salary for a registered nurse is £21K. Thinking of the training and qualifications required for nursing I’d say £19.5K for driving a van is flipping great!

    I did this job a couple of days a week to fund my way through Uni and don’t think I got that close to average earnings (pro rata). Considering the only qualification needed is a driving licence so open to large sections of the population and you get to listen to the radio all day it is literally a no brainer!

    Free Member

    If I had no work 19K would do very nicely thanks

    Free Member

    Is it multi drop?

    Free Member

    I’d assume that Trailmonkey isn’t some sort of slave driver or millionaire businessman and only wants to compete in his local market, make a small profit (for re-investment of course) and keep the wolves from his door. If he really can’t get anyone for £19k per year, then maybe not working is too affordable?

    Full Member

    Its a market economy, if you can’t get someone to fill the role for what your offering, you need to offer more.

    Full Member

    kingtut, yes.

    Free Member

    Well, the starting salary for a registered nurse is £21K. Thinking of the training and qualifications required for nursing I’d say £19.5K for driving a van is flipping great!

    This only goes to prove how badly paid nurses are too.

    I did this job a couple of days a week to fund my way through Uni and don’t think I got that close to average earnings (pro rata). Considering the only qualification needed is a driving licence so open to large sections of the population and you get to listen to the radio all day it is literally a no brainer!

    Indeed this just backs up my argument, you can only survive on this wage if part of your annual income is a govt subsidised loan/grant.

    MSP – Member
    Its a market economy, if you can’t get someone to fill the role for what your offering, you need to offer more.

    Indeed which was my point.

    Free Member

    I doubt the wage is the issue – my guess still is the advert.

    For example adverts without clear idea of what the wages are many people will assume are badly paid.

    Full Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    ..if anyone is available, I need multi drop drivers in Devon.

    KINGTUT – Member
    Is it multi drop?

    Kingtut, I wouldn’t bother applying if I were you, seems that you may have failed the first test….

    Full Member

    My gf’s dad lives just outside exeter, is semi retired and is looking for a job. contact details pls.

    Free Member

    PAYE or is it self employed and dependant upon the amount of work you cna provide?

    Full Member

    I wish you were in Stoke, I’ve got a mate who’d bite your arm off. He’s not likley to move to Devon though for a driving job, which I know Mr Tebbitt would rail against, but there you go.

    It took me 20 months here in the midlands to get a job with 22 years research/development/testing/consultancy experience and 8 years water industry sales/process experience. About 1200 job applications, less than 10 interviews. “Low End” jobs I was too skilled, would obviously move on to a better job when I found one/I had earned too much in my last job (when I spoke to a couple of companies and pointed out that what I was earning 12/18 months previously was totally irrelevant as I was currently £65 a week Job Seekers, it didn’t seem to sway them).

    As with the recent troubles and so many other thigs, there really just aren’t any easy answers.

    What is unemployment like in Devon? Is a lot of work seasonal and in October you’ll have a hoard of potential drivers ready to bite your arm off?

    Free Member

    Kingtut, I wouldn’t bother applying if I were you, seems that you may have failed the first test….

    I run my own business, I have no need for a van driving job but thanks for your advice.

    Anyhow, good multi drop drivers from my experience (23 years in industrial recruitment) have always been hard to recruit.

    Full Member

    If you think £19.5K can’t be lived on you should perhaps talk to the throngs of call centre workers in Stoke who earn between minimum wage and £8 on the “shop” floor. They might give you some ideas as to how to live on that little.

    As I said above I was out of work for 20 months until 4 months ago. There are a lot of jobs in Staffordshire/West Midlands/North West being advertised for Graduates only in the £12k to £14K range.

    IMHO average wage figures etc are all well and good but IME of Jobseekers allowance £19.5k would have been an amount I’d have bitten your arm off for.

    In the last 10 years I’ve earned at times between £36K to £48K (and pished it away on all sorts of crap including bikes). Totally irrelevent now. What I earned 3 years ago won’t do me any good at Tesco’s checkout.

    Free Member

    Indeed this just backs up my argument, you can only survive on this wage if part of your annual income is a govt subsidised loan/grant

    flipping heck toys19.. I know you’re in devon from your other posts but are you living in an underground bunker being kept alive on a diet of hydroponically fed nutritional growth hormones by industrious scientifically minded shrews..? is STW your only contact with the outside world..? or is this a wierd troll..?

    I have a good few family and friends working skilled/unskilled in the building trade and they are very lucky to be scraping 19k for backbreaking work sometimes.. some don’t come near that figure..

    similarly in the catering industry where even in a middle management position my other half only used to be salaried at 18k and the anti-social hours in that job can be almost comically diabolical..

    so then you consider retail work.. call centre staff etc where the pay is considerably less..

    it sounds ok to me..

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