Home Forums Bike Forum Oh dear – I wonder who the replacement will be?

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  • Oh dear – I wonder who the replacement will be?
  • boblo
    Free Member

    If you mean ‘trust’ in the sense of honesty

    I do and that she is dishonest, there is no doubt. She was found guilty of Fraud. End of discussion.

    As for worser or betterer than a Tory equivalent. Who cares? It’s a pretty low bar to set to be better and if that’s all she (they) have to do to get your approval,

    Free Member

    It’s a curious contradiction that’s all. And I’ve even been outed as ‘right wing’. I’m really not, I’m just interested in the willingness to rush to forgiveness/excuse when it suits. Nowt so queer as folk I suppose.

    Could boblo point me to their post from Jan 2023 where they demanded that Sunak was sacked/resigned as PM when he was fined for not wearing a seatbelt, as that seems to me a far greater ‘crime’ (pleaded guilty and was fined)?


    Free Member

    Could boblo point me to their post from Jan 2023 where they demanded that Sunak was sacked/resigned as PM when he was fined for not wearing a seatbelt, as that seems to me a far greater ‘crime’ (pleaded guilty and was fined)?

    I guess that was ‘different’…

    Free Member

    Could boblo point me to their post

    Who is/are ‘their’? I have no clue what (tenuous) point you’re trying to score…

    Is your collective defence still ‘they’re not as sh1t as the last lot’? Really?

    Full Member

    “Who is/are ‘their’?”

    Looks like correct use of English where you don’t know the gender of the person and don’t want to make assumptions in case it causes offence.

    Guess they could have @ed you and used “your” but that’s just down to personal preference.

    Free Member

    Who is/are ‘their’? I have no clue what (tenuous) point you’re trying to score…

    Is your collective defence still ‘they’re not as sh1t as the last lot’? Really?

    It’s not often I like the term ‘triggered’. But in this case I think intheborders has played a blinder.

    I did see the phrasing and think “clever – I wonder if that will get the reaction I think it could”? Turns out it did.

    ‘Their’ is totally acceptable in a situation where the gender of the person being addressed is not known. But some people are just itching to get the hump at perceived wokeism/political correctness.

    Free Member

    I’m not triggered, quite the opposite. Use the term ‘bemused’ for full effect. I must have fallen into a parallel dimension. I have no clue what is going on here 🙂

    It looks like failing to make any headway with the partisan treatment of the case of the fraudulent liar, squabbling over the use of English has taken over. Is that right? And for a bonus, someone thinks it’s an example of World Class winduppery. Yes? Riiight… Carry on, as you were 🙂

    Free Member

    Carry on, as you were

    OK. Will do.

    Free Member

     I have no clue what is going on here

    This is probably the most insightful post you’ve ever made.

Viewing 9 posts - 81 through 89 (of 89 total)

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