I’ve been involved in an investigation of a company director. Big, high powered job in a large company, must have been on say £400k-£500k plus options. Guy gets caught during the working day, watching porn in his office by his PA. He’d had an ADSL line installed in his office to get past the filters we had in place.
Guys gets pulled in (rather than off) to CEO and HR disciplinary, gets a real telling off. You’re only still here because of your position conversation. I strip the ADSL line out, PA gets a keep quiet bonus (note that I didn’t), everyone carries on as normal. I stick an alert on his user id on the corporate proxy.
Two days later the proxy starts squawking about anonymous proxy bypasses from him and he’s back on the filth.
Some people just can’t stop themselves. It’s an addiction. Like those people who are good looking enough to be addicted to sex.