(Un)fortunately or ( ) fortunately USA always votes Republican in times of need.
Day is protectionist’as by nature init.
IMO Obamas had his day, failed, been lacklustre, forgotten about true USA values that he once held dear, now he’s suffering in many many ways.
I have no sympathy, he had the opportunity to do something truly unique and failed, became “another face in the White House” whose only true legacy will be he’s Coloured, or Black or whatever were supposed to say these days.
Now before anyone calls me racist, it’s a simple fact, noted by the worlds best/ worst media and broadcast day in day out on global tv.
I’m not too sure Romney is the man, but the policies he portrays from a party line will certainly hit home to a lot of Americans,
I lived in Florida for 17 years during my youth, down there it’s a real mixed bag of ethnicity, but the Right have a dominance.