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  • obama or romney, who is going to win
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    Free Member

    not that it will be anything positive for uk plc,except possibly closer to WW 3,

    probably romney, ashe has more money to throw at the election, and hasnt had to run a country as yet.

    Free Member

    Obama I reckon. Well I certainly hope so.

    Full Member

    Hopefully Romney.

    Free Member

    Obama hopefully. Worrying how close it is considering how much of a ****t Romney is.

    Free Member

    Paddy Power are already paying out on an Obama win apparently.

    Free Member

    If Romney win’s i’m confident the world will end pretty soon. I hadn’t realised how the US voting system worked until today, but that’s why I fear Romney might get in, as most of those with votes that count are likely to want the tax cuts Romney is offering.

    Full Member

    According to the analysts Obama is 5 points up in Ohio, the swing state which usually decides the election. But the Redskins lost which means Romney will win. Flip a coin?

    Free Member

    If Romney win’s i’m confident the world will end pretty soon. I hadn’t realised how the US voting system worked until today

    So you heard it on Russia today, tv, that romneys son works for the company who make the electronic voting terminals, also strange how thepower is still not on to make them work in the flod hit areas.

    Conspiracy theorists eat your hats.

    Free Member

    If Romney wins I will seriously despair: Romney is essentially another Dubya.

    There was someone on the radio earlier from one of the US Polling companies who was convinced Obama is going to win, based on the sample polls.

    Full Member

    Please God, not Romney. Anyone but Romney. If you thought the George W Bush era was bad, wait until you see what kind of epic cockup Mitt the Moron Mormon makes of it all.

    Free Member

    Please God, not Romney. Anyone but Romney. If you thought the George W Bush era was bad, wait until you see what kind of epic cockup Mitt the Moron Mormon makes of it all.


    Full Member

    Sadly, the rest of the world pleading with America not to elect Romney is likely to have the opposite effect (see the second Dubya election). We’d be mightily pissed off if, for example, that twunt Bonio started spouting off about who the UK electorate should vote for.

    Having said that, one would hope the US public would recognise that Romney appears to hate women, ethnic minorities and the poor, and vote accordingly.


    Free Member

    Pundits all seem convinced Obama will win.

    They both are crap at economics but hopefully Obama is slightly less gung ho on the foreign front.

    Full Member

    I simply cannot understand/fathom why on earth any compassionate human being of sane mind would vote for Romney (or any republican?), on the way home t’night i listened to PM on R4 and they asked a few American’s who they were going to vote for and why?, the voters who came down on the republican side left me gobsmacked with their idiotic reasons for choosing Romney. I feel genuinely sorry for the percentage of decent Americans who may have to put up with this absolute fcuwit mormon if he/his party gets in over Obama.

    Free Member

    One of the problems with Obama has been that although they voted him in, based on his policies, at the first opportunity they made sure that the Senate went republican, which pretty much destroyed his chances of making the changes he wanted.

    If Obama has failed, the voters must also look at themselves.

    Voting Romney in will set America back several years in many ways.

    Free Member

    I hope Obama (i think he deserves a 2nd term too- he has done an alright job considering the mess he inherited and then the oppositional tactics in the senate) and think he should just about scrape it

    However i’m wary of some Republican shenanigans – the attempts in some areas to disenfranchise voters has been disgusting.

    Full Member

    I’m convinced that Romney is not human.

    Look at his eyes. It’s like looking at one of those creepy masks with a set of eyes moving behind, where you know the eyes do not relate to the face. It’s just a shell. Ever seen the Movie Bad Taste? That’s Romney.

    I bet David Icke has him down as one of the lizard people.

    Full Member

    Hoping Obama TBH. I think Romney and foreign policy are a bad mix.

    Free Member

    Reckon Romney will just scrape through, too many past Obama voters are not happy enough

    Thank heavens the tea parties preferred candidates didn’t get this far

    Free Member

    The US is f**ked either way.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    The US is f**ked either way.

    They are in much better shape than we are

    Free Member

    They are in much better shape than we are

    Poor people in America are far, far worse off than they are here.

    Free Member


    The US is f**ked either way.

    They are in much better shape than we are

    we have power that works, houses made from bricks and an underground that has flood control doors

    Free Member

    mikey74 – Member
    If Romney wins I will seriously despair: Romney is essentially another Dubya.

    Sadly Romney makes dubya look like a card carrying liberal.

    The American right / tea party scare me. Properly scare me.

    Full Member

    having worked with inner city kids in america and the uk i would definately say they have a lot more issues at the poor end of society,

    health care in particular really is a joke

    the political campaigning system is on another level

    would this ever happen here?


    Full Member

    health care in particular really is a joke

    Only in America could carrying a gun be considered a right and health care be considered a privelege…

    Free Member

    Not Romney hopefully, I can see him turning up the heat on Iran in a bad way

    Free Member

    Having just got back from New York, it was quite worrying to see the amount of people who oppose Obama… 😐

    Free Member

    odds are on Obama

    Free Member

    There was discussion on R4 this morning about how it was a problem for Obama that he hasn’t expressed wholeheartedly enough that America is the greatest country in the world, and has been chosen by God to lead the world and export American values (this is apparently a key belief of Mormonism). 😕

    Free Member

    Not Romney hopefully, I can see him turning up the heat on Iran in a bad way


    In December GOP Debate regarding how America should handle Iran:

    ROMNEY: “I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say, ‘Would it help if I said this? What would you like me to do?'”

    Free Member

    Mormons also believe that the Garden of Eden is in Missouri.

    Free Member

    (Un)fortunately or ( ) fortunately USA always votes Republican in times of need.

    Day is protectionist’as by nature init.

    IMO Obamas had his day, failed, been lacklustre, forgotten about true USA values that he once held dear, now he’s suffering in many many ways.
    I have no sympathy, he had the opportunity to do something truly unique and failed, became “another face in the White House” whose only true legacy will be he’s Coloured, or Black or whatever were supposed to say these days.

    Now before anyone calls me racist, it’s a simple fact, noted by the worlds best/ worst media and broadcast day in day out on global tv.

    I’m not too sure Romney is the man, but the policies he portrays from a party line will certainly hit home to a lot of Americans,

    I lived in Florida for 17 years during my youth, down there it’s a real mixed bag of ethnicity, but the Right have a dominance.

    Free Member

    It must be nice to “understand” US politics!! Way beyond me!!

    Looks like Obama is nudging ahead in the swing-states but still very close. But either way, they still have to deal with the 1 January fiscal cliff whichever side gets in – and fast. Otherwise, the US recovery is dead in the water!

    Free Member

    Am I eligible to vote?

    Media makes me think I’ve moved and nobody told me.

    Jeremy Vine in an election situation room. Get a grip BBC ffs.

    A quick story about David Cameron telling off the UAE for abusing human rights while trying to sell them the means to do it then back to Hugh Edwards who the BBC have flown over. Madness

    Free Member

    They are in much better shape than we are

    In shorterm energy security maybe, everywhere else not even close.

    I have no sympathy, he had the opportunity to do something truly unique and failed

    What did you expect with a Republican congress who defeated every bill he tried to pass? I’m indifferent to the guy but it makes me laugh when people say he failed etc. What did you expect?

    Free Member

    I think that Francis Fukuyama may have hit it on the head in today’s FT.

    The election is not really social democracy (Obama) versus limited government/individualistic roots (Romney) despite how it is portrayed. The House will stay Republican and the Senate Democrate – so more policy paralysis as we have had for the past few years? Hence my concern over the fiscal cliff.


    Would copy and paste but FT hates this! Sorry if you dont have subscription but hopefully the summary will suffice!!

    Full Member

    Obama I hope…but I’m worried. Ending healthcare? Beyond belief.

    Full Member

    what thm said

    id like to think that most sane governments would be able to unify on the big things in the middle of a global financial crisis;

    we all know that lib/lab/torry arent actually that original when it comes to finacial policy

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