Over the past few months my sleep is broken 3-4 times a night by my arm being in a pins and needly state. Its my right arm only (my good one ironically) and it seems that i am holding it in such a way that the blood is draining out of it and making it numb and tingly etc.
AFAIK i am sleeping in a normal position as i always have done. (usually foetal on my right if that helps0 or on my back with my arms in a 'rabbit' style pose (its comfortable but a little stupid looking for my left arm problem).
Does anyone else experience this?
Obviously having my sleep interrupted is a tad annoying but not too big a deal at this stage but i am keen to have it sorted.
The usual answer would be to see a GP – would this be in their 'remit' or a bit too specialist?
The solution when it happens is to dangle my arm off the bed to get it blooded up again but there must be a reason for it occuring in the 1st place.
Anyway. Any thoughts?