DavidB – Member
When are all the “p” apologists going to start paying £1.49 per month for Google?
Not an apologist, but I think a P should appear next to my name, had a full subscription ever since the great hack of… whenever it was, but anyway. I do/did pay Google, can’t remember exactly how much, but I pay for extra storage as I need it, managed about 11 months before another offer upped me to 1 TB for free (and I don’t have that many photos backed up there) so I stopped, for the time being.
Not sure what difference it makes to the problems STW are having though. Agencies serve them some ads, some of those ads cause grief, STW try and get rid of those ads. Happened in the past, will happen again. Bit annoying I am sure (and if I am at work I can’t always be bothered to log in for a 5 minute scan so I do occasionally see the site unprotected by my magic P). Still, you did ask.