Home Forums Notice – STW any issues ?

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  • Notice – STW any issues ?
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    Full Member

    … and if behaviour has changed and it’s not just you misremembering, that’s probably a change within your browser.

    There are various ways around it.  Press Back to take you to the non-anchored page from whence you came.  Close the page and reopen it from the menu (I tend to ctrl-click threads into new tabs and close them when done, this is especially useful at the moment when pages are taking so long to load as you can queue up a few ready to read).  Ignore it and just press End to go to the bottom of the page (or fling-scroll on a mobile).

    But as nixie says, it’s not a bug.  When you submit a post it takes you to your post by hard-coding a link to the post into the URL.  If you refresh it will (or at least, should) return to your post within the page.

    Full Member

    What is a bug however, is that the post I just made returns me to


    when it should be going to page 14.

    Full Member

    Acksherly, whilst we’re on the subject:

    I don’t know if this is of any help or will fall under “we’re ignoring performance issues until caching/indexing is complete” but, I’ve noticed sometimes when a page is taking a particularly long time to load, if I select the URL in the address bar and press Enter (as opposed to refreshing) the page renders instantly.

    Quite why this might be, I don’t know.  It’s as though the browser has received the page data but something is preventing it from displaying.

    Full Member

    … and if behaviour has changed and it’s not just you misremembering, that’s probably a change within your browser.

    Cheers. Probably my age.

    I remember when all this were fields…….

    Full Member

    WRT the Millets / Tent PSA thread, both links made by members seem to be leading to a 404 page.

    It looks to me that two consecutive dashes in the target URL have been turned into a single long dash character.

    Test: – – => — (That’s dash-space-dash turning into dash-dash, shown as a single long dash)

    Might be worth manual correction of the links in that thread for now?

    Full Member

    Another comments about ads – I get it when I first come to the site from another page. If I click on ‘my account’ icon it takes me there, reassuring me that I have logged in, and coming back to main page all ads are gone.

    Been like this for a few days now.

    Came here to add this, been happening for me for a few weeks  on some devices – Chrome browser on Android tablet, also on Chrome browser on iPhone. It doesn’t happen in chrome browser on Windows 11 but there’s possibly a reason for that (cough)

    Full Member

    Sill can’t login on my iPhone ( last 3 days ) but on MacBook all is fine

    Full Member

    Fixed, thank you!

    Full Member

    I’m probably solid, I haven’t posted for a few years but I’m still a member and can answer posts, but can’t see a way to create a new thread. On an iPhone and logged in.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Full Member

    To create a new thread you need to select the Bike or Chat forum from the header. Either of those will give you a create thread box at the bottom of the page. Overview will not.

    Full Member

    Thank you. I was looking at the top and thought it was my browser messing up.

    Full Member

    M2 Mac, Safari and chrome.

    Certain articles on the front pages (latest is Chipps GRX review) exhibit incorrect behaviour when hyperlinked photos are selected- single photos won’t open a new instance when clicked, and the page freezes, necessitating reloading. When a group (slideshow ) is selected, it does open, however after closing it and returning to the page, the article is again frozen and has to be reloaded.

    I did report this some time   (months) ago, but it hasn’t been resolved.

    Free Member

    The password glitch is obviously a priority job. I’m putting that high on the list for Monday…

    Still happening 745am Thursday

    Free Member

    Apologies if it’s been covered but the insert image box doesn’t scale to portrait view.

    Android 14

    Brave browser

    Full Member

    Taking numerous page refreshes to get the page to show.

    Full Member

    I’m sure you’re aware, but it’s still slow AF at loading pages here.

    Full Member

    Google ads banner across across the bottom of my page so if I select menu the classifieds & members zone is obscure and cannot be selected.

    When I browse between forums I often get a full page advert appear that obscures the whole page.

    I still get videos automatically playing – this stopped for a while when I changed the settings in my account but it now does it again at random.

    Full Member

    Still can’t get anywhere with private messages, just not working at all

    Full Member

    I can’t open old messages. My messages page will only show the most recent message thread. Older ones won’t open. Annoying as I’ve missed out on a classifieds item as I couldn’t reply.

    Full Member

    To open older messages goto the other person’s profile then click message. Your history with them then appears.

    Full Member

    I’m unable to see posts older than those on the front page of the forum. There’s no longer the ability to see older posts.

    Android. All up to date.

    Full Member

    It seems if you go into your messages and then right click on the user you’re messaging and ‘open in new tab’

    You can get into the message to them. I’ve replied to one, but i have no idea if he’ll see it :D

    Looking at you @ocrider

    Full Member

    I’m unable to see posts older than those on the front page of the forum. There’s no longer the ability to see older posts.

    Same on Chrome on Win10. No page numbers to click on. There is on this thread I notice, but not on the main forum pages.

    Full Member

    The missing forum page paginations links are obviously our first fix to do this morning. Hopefully won’t take long – just need to work out what triggered it.

    Full Member

    Right then, the frustration of trying to upload pictures is really annoying now….

    Can’t upload direct – just get a square, and if I try to link from Flickr I either get the URL or nothing…..

    Full Member

    What am I doing wrong with the quote thing? It obviously works (somehow) for others but when I try:

    insert text I want to quote

    I just get that exact text, not the italics.

    Please help me with my ineptitude!

    Full Member

    When I select a new page (eg a thread), for a split second I can see an unformatted version of the page, like from 20 years ago! Not a problem but something doesn’t seem right. Windows 11 and Edge.

    Full Member

    As above, I still can’t see posts older than the first page.

    I’m a long time user and supporter of STW and had genuinely high hopes for an improvement with the site but to date it has been a wholly neutral experience with a few negatives thrown in. Pre migration I was able to post pics easily and read old posts Not now. But I do have a nice tee shirt.

    Frustrated ?

    Full Member

    I’ve been using postimage.org to post photos. It’s a bit long-winded but works

    That now seems borked too.

    Full Member

    Try blockquote rather than quote.

    Embedding from Flickr has always been forum-hostile.

    Full Member

    [blockquote] Testing testing[/blockquote]


    Full Member



    Quote works from the fancy editor, direct uploading of images doesn’t but linking html code from ImageBB does.

    Full Member

    Was about to update our post here https://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/a-galloway-gallivant/

    But noticed the links to PostImages are no longer showing as pics (just the img links as text)

    Full Member

    Suspect these have already been posted, but I’ll admit, I’m too lazy to trawl through all the pages…

    I appear to have lost the page numbers on the main forum pages – Overview, Bike and Chat (not checked the rest) – but I can’t move to page 2 or any other, to look for an older thread. I only see 1 page of threads and it seems to be the 82 most active ones – how do I navigate to older threads?

    Due to the above issue, I tried the search at the bottom of the page – searched for Shimano – zero results returned and it looked like the page hadn’t fully loaded as there was no indication it had done anything.

    I was trying to find the thread on the Shimano giving $10 Million over 10 years to trail stuff, but can’t find it and unsure how to. I think there might be an article on the homepage about it so I’m off to try and find that in the hope it links to the thread.

    (Edit – found the article so also found the thread – however, it would have been better if the forum had page navigation available so I could have done it the way I was expecting. Was quick enough to find though thanks to a link on the right hand side (which isn’t shown on mobiles).)

    Full Member



    a) Use angle brackets <> rather than square, my apologies,

    b) enable “fancy editor” in your settings to reinstate the button bar.

    Full Member

    No html coding, I just pressed the “ button in the fancy editor.

    Direct photo uploading doesn’t work from either editor. Sometimes your post will “post” in the forum, most times it just vanishes. I’ve had one this morning crash my browser, then when returning the forum had logged me out. First attempt at login was met with wrong password error.

    Free Member

    Still can’t get anywhere with private messages, just not working at all

    Same here, can see message history, but no text box to write a new one.

    Also can’t dismiss the msg box which I think I reported weeks ago.

    You can get into the message to them. I’ve replied to one, but i have no idea if he’ll see it :D

    Or indeed if he’ll be able to workaround to reply.

    Full Member

    fancy editor

    Which has been missing for weeks, if not months, for me. However, has now has reappeared today and so works well :-) .

    So this now works.

    I see we changed from [ ] to < >

    Free Member

    OK. Pagination bug update.

    This on was baffling us since pagination works on the News, Members and Women’s forum but not the main index, chat and bike forums. And we were further baffled by the fact when we took the forum page code from the chat and bike forums and simply pasted them into another page – the pagination started working. Even though the code on the page was identical to the live forums that didn’t work!

    This had both Anthony and myself scratching our heads for all of yesterday and into the evening.

    Then today, a breakthough. I created a new page on our pre-production site called Forum-beta-3 and put the code on it. Hey presto! It worked. No idea why at this point. While pondering WTF was going on I spotted I’d spelled the page title wrong. I’d typed ‘Frum’ instead of ‘Forum’. So I corrected it. And the pagination broke.

    I uncorrected it and… it worked.

    So.. For some reason we cannot fathom – yet. The use of the word ‘Forum’ in the page title breaks the pagination.

    We have a directory structure that uses the term ‘forum’ so it’s not quite a simple change. But now we have a big clue as to where to look. I’m confident we’ll have this bug fixed and pushed live tomorrow.

    Full Member

    ^ now that’s got to be frustrating!

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