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  • not giving a flying fish about the general election.
  • ton
    Full Member

    just been watching the zoo arguing on the news, while i eat my tea. anyone else not care in the slightest who wins?

    i would like to line every last one of them up against a wall and put them to a firing squad.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I can understand where you are coming from, but I have always maintained that it is still important to vote. Even a destroyed ballot is a legitimate democratic statement.

    Free Member

    Vote for change vote green
    I’m voting SNP
    We all need change and the big parties are too corrupt to be allowed to continue.
    Don’t waste your chance, give it to em and vote green.

    Free Member

    For the first time in my life, I’m voting with my head not my heart. I hope to get married, buy a house, have kids, get a dog etc in the next four years. With that in mind, the unfathomably diluted & obtuse democracy we so far inhabit has shown me that whoever stands to “represent” me in government will make **** all difference to how I proceed with the above ambitions.

    It’s a crock of shit. I don’t hear a single voice saying anything particularly agreeable. A little bit if decency, respect and a reminder that there is no you and them , just all of us would be a start.

    **** it.

    Full Member

    I care because the Tories will keep **** up education and I’ll never get a proper pay rise.

    Free Member

    Vote Green.

    Free Member

    as much as I can’t stand all the bullsh*t on the TV at the moment, i seriously appreciate living in a democracy, and will be voting.
    It makes no differece where I live (Boris Johnson’s lil’ brother is our MP) however just knowing i did my bit to keep Ed+Ed away from Downing street is enough.

    Full Member

    I always vote in general and local election, think it’s important, but this time I genuinely don’t know who to vote for as all the main choices are in the main quite indistinguishable, but all have the odd really stupid policy or idea.

    If there’s an independant, I might vote for them to help them avoid losing a deposit, (as long as it’s not an independant with objectionable ideology).

    Free Member

    Vote for the policies you agree with, you never know it might make sense.[/url]

    Free Member

    I shut out most of their shit until yesterday when i heard on the radio a pledge by labour not to raise vat…. Which in my head means ….. If we get in we are raising vat….

    Well i didnt see that coming…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ton – Member

    just been watching the zoo arguing on the news, while i eat my tea. anyone else not care in the slightest who wins?

    Me. I don’t care who wins. I vote to ensure they fight amongst each others in order for them to understand the meaning of earning a hard living.

    For me no matter who wins I will still be on my zero hour contract plus the fact that I need to deal with bureaucrats.

    i would like to line every last one of them up against a wall and put them to a firing squad.

    You have been merciful to let them off so easily. I would make them into chain-gang and force them to sing while they carry out their work. 😆

    Free Member

    how long will it take me to decide
    how long till the voting starts/finishes

    nope, im not in flying fish territory yet.

    i might just vote for anyone who knocks on the door (nobody, except the ukmail delivery guy)

    Free Member

    Lucky you soubalis … I just started grinding junk in my garage as my local snp nutter wouldnt leave even after i politely requested him to get out of my garage ….

    Full Member

    Having always lived in a safe labour seat I’ve never really been too fussed. However I now live in a Tory-Lab marginal so my vote actually means something now. Not much, but still more than before. Trouble is these days I hate the labour party nearly as much as the tories, so now I’m actually in a position to influence the result, I find myself questioning whether I want to.

    Full Member

    Should be compulsory to vote, ideally with a “none of the above” option. Billions of people around the world would love to have our flawed democratic system, millions have died to ensure that we still have the ability to complain about it. I feel that this puts a responsibility on all of us to use that opportunity as best we can, even if that means voting for otherwise oddball parties that might change the system.

    Not taking an interest and not voting would mean that we would end up with a load of self serving shysters – oh, wait, hang on…..see what we’ve allowed to happen here over the years?

    voteforpolicies was a real eye-opener as I’m genuinely unsure what direction I want my life, my childrens lives, and our country to take. Turns out I’m a euro-sceptic LibDem. The more I’ve looked at the policies of the parties and watched them twatting about on the telly, the more that makes sense to me.

    Feel free to mock/hate as you see fit. It’s called democracy. 😉

    Free Member

    Hmm. The crock of **** we’ve had for the last five years or a diluted version of the same?

    However, people died to earn us the vote, so I will not be wasting it by not voting. Not sure who the candidates are but the incumbent former supermarket manager, while occasionally talking sense, does belong to the current crock of *** so will have to be voted against just on a matter of principle

    Full Member

    Not taking an interest and not voting would mean that we would end up with a load of self serving shysters – oh, wait, hang on…..see what we’ve allowed to happen here over the years?

    I’m not sure you can blame the people for the shambles we call a democracy. In as much as there hasn’t been a popular revolution, then yes guilty as charged, but in all other respects the people have no real choice on offer with which they can be truly interested or involved in.

    Full Member

    the people have no real choice on offer with which they can be truly interested or involved in.

    The people have not made the lazy self serving bastards give them a viable choice. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, it’s chicken and egg.

    Free Member

    However, people died to earn us the vote, so I will not be wasting it by not voting.

    I can’t really argue with this, but as we don’t have to vote isn’t what they died for the right to vote – which includes the choice not to?

    Full Member

    started grinding junk in my garage as my local snp nutter

    You were grinding your junk against your local politician? No wonder he/she didn’t want to leave 🙂

    Free Member

    However, people died to earn us the vote, so I will not be wasting it by not voting.
    I can’t really argue with this, but as we don’t have to vote isn’t what they died for the right to vote – which includes the choice not to?

    Yes, but spoil your ballot rather than don’t turn up. Say that you care enough to vote but None of the Above are suitable.

    I care but am in a safe labour seat so will make no difference. In any case we will pretty much get the same government with different coloured ties regardless would have liked PR but…

    Free Member

    This article alone should make you think about voting


    Its your future you are ignoring.

    Free Member

    As Nick Clegg said on the last leg, not voting is like going into Nandos, letting someone else order and then complaining that you haven’t been given what you wanted.

    Even if you think they are a shower of idiots go and vote, although I think there should be a none of the above option, which if it wins the vote has to be rerun with a diff set of people/ parties

    Free Member

    Please all vote Tory!
    That way I have a better chance of getting made redundant.Narrow self interest to the fore.

    Full Member

    If I behaved like that at my work I’d be out on my arse, hardly inspiring any respect for them is it.

    Free Member

    Green Party? Have any of you lot actually listened to any of the campaign so far?

    Full Member

    The problem with the electorate is the same as the problem with governments. They all think too short-term. If you never vote for a party that’s likely to change things because you “know” they’ll never win the seat then they never will. However, if a few more actually did vote then some other folk would follow suit next time and, eventually, they’d be in with a shout. Whilst you might not agree with their policies, that’s basically what happened with the SNP. A few diehards became a few more and then they eventually reach a position whereby they might win more than a seat or two.

    Given the choices available to most folk, the Green Party seems like the obvious choice. Even though they are unlikely to get elected this time round (or even the next) a growing band of followers will mean they are taken more seriously both by themselves and the other parties and media. Of course they would have to temper/adjust many of their policies should they ever get into power but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t, in the mean time, be a force for good.

    Free Member

    As Nick Clegg said on the last leg, not voting is like going into Nandos, letting someone else order and then complaining that you haven’t been given what you wanted.

    I don’t understand your analogy, I have too much self respect to go to this ‘Nondo’s’ you refer to…

    I just started grinding junk in my garage as my local snp nutter wouldnt leave even after i politely requested him to get out of my garage ….

    Hopefully randomly and the most inappropriate rubbish you could find…

    Free Member

    I want to vote, but more than that, I want to vote wisely. However, that link above, a lot of what was offered wasn’t that different from one party to the next.

    I’m also fed up of the main two using their air time telling me what the others are doing wrong, rather than what they can do right.

    I don’t want to reward squabbling brats with my vote.

    Free Member

    I agree with all the people saying ‘no vote, no voice’ and have voted in every election (even the police commissioner ones) since I was able to.

    Unfortunately Cardiff Council cocked up my registration and copied my name wrong which led to them withdrawing my name from the Electoral Roll. I have appealed but they won’t give me a date before the cut-off so I don’t get a vote this time around.

    As for them all being as bad as each other, it’s politics!! What do you expect?
    This time round I’ll just go out on my bike on election day and pretend it’s not happening.

    Free Member

    Someone will always exercise power. We’ve developed rather a contempt for people who ask for power every 5 years, and go quietly if someone else gets more votes.

    Historically and geographically our system is not typical. All the others that have been tried are worse.

    Full Member

    The problem with voting for policies is that we all no they are absolutely worthless

    MPs love making pre election pledges, not to raise vat, ni, tuition fees, no top down reorganization of the NHS ……

    Full Member

    None of the above makes a lot of sense, sadly we don’t have that option. Same with PR…

    I will be voting, but it will make sod all difference as, again, i live in a safe tory seat. It won’t be for the greens though.

    Free Member

    I find it really depressing that .people can’t bee arsed to engage with politics or vote.

    The classic line is moaning about politicians and how crap they are. Those same politicians then get in 🙄

    Its just stupidity multiplied by laziness.

    Full Member

    just been watching the zoo arguing on the news, while i eat my tea. anyone else not care in the slightest who wins?

    Although I might normally take this stance, I feel that this year there’s more chance of some idiotic fringe getting some kind of influence into parliament. There more people that think is way and don’t vote, the more chance they have. Hence I’m taking the time to vote for the policies and not he personalities which suit me and my beliefs bout the situation.

    I feel abstinence and apathy on this matter is particularly dangerous this year, but it’s your choice of course.

    Free Member

    Trouble is al regarless of who you vote for some crappy coalition will get in that nobody wants

    Full Member

    Rather than a party only 35% of the voters chose?

    Full Member

    I find it really depressing that .people can’t bee arsed to engage with politics or vote.

    The classic line is moaning about politicians and how crap they are. Those same politicians then get in

    Its just stupidity multiplied by laziness.

    As a Today programme avid listener and broadsheet reader I’d hope to place myself in the higher echelons of the UK’s politically aware but I still have some sympathy for those that don’t feel engaged. Fact is if you are one of the tens of millions of folk who live in a safe British constituency your vote is virtually irrelevant. I have lived my entire adult life in very safe constituencies where I could not support the party holding the seat. My votes has always felt irrelevant apart from a footnote on the statistics. It is hard to become enthused in a situation like that.

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