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  • North Lakes Locals …[[ Trail Help ]]…
  • IamSam
    Free Member

    Apparently its summer again so I will be spending a long weekend in the dale of borrow riding my mountain bike.

    Mostly ride in the south lakes so not intimately familiar with the area, and were looking for something a bit different to ride this year, done the bash loads. dead end carry ride up styhead. back of skidaw. Ullock pike.

    Was hopein for some pointers from the local riders wheres good “as in possibly a little but cheeky” my email is in my profile if the public forums not the place you’d like to discuss this.

    Cheers muchness


    Free Member

    I did this back in Feb 2010 and despite the cold, it was a brlliant route. Been meaning to get back over and do it again while the weather is nice.

    Free Member

    Taa Kev,

    looks like a good route how ridable is the ridge line from red pike? Pretty sure some mates had a mare up there a few years ago, always wanted to ride down Ennerdale should be getting interesting there now there naturalising it. I’d probably ride this from buttermere though to reduce the driving (or ride in) is the tail end of this to kirkland going to be missed?

    Free Member

    I was staying in a holiday cottage in Kirkland and the only reason that leg is in there was so I could upload to my GPS, so no, you aren’t really missing out on anything.

    I fell really lucky when I did this as there had been a bit of snowfall that week, but that day was quite calm and sunny

    Pic taken later the same day;

    ^ You wouldn’t have thought that was February apart form the snow.

    The ridge line was ridable although some of the frozen rocks made the going hard!

    The climb up to Haystacks was hike-a-bike and I doubt it’ll be much easier even in good weather.

    That said, the descent into Buttermere is technical / rocky to begin with then really picks up the pace.

    If you are starting there then I would recommend doing it clockwise and missing out the Kirkland leg.

    HTH, Kev.

    Free Member


    Sounds like a good one, will pass it on to the others, add it to the list.

    Does anybody know of anything that can be added on to the bottom of the castle crag decent, going in a westerly direction, its one of the areas I’ve always wanted to have a go at?

    Full Member

    Newlands[/url] by lowey.com[/url], on Flickr

    Newlands and Gasgale Gill[/url] by lowey.com[/url], on Flickr

    I didnt post them if anyone asks.

    Free Member

    NOw then,

    Thats very interesting Lowley…. and I aint seen you. The first route looks like a good addition to the bash, whats the final decent like??

    Full Member

    Brutal. Most of the ascent is a carry. The descent from Whiteless Pike is mega steep tech, the return over Rigg Beck is .. well pics speak better…

    IMAG0428[/url] by lowey.com[/url], on Flickr

    IMAG0434[/url] by lowey.com[/url], on Flickr

    And you aint got any of that from me… ok?

    Free Member

    Does anybody know of anything that can be added on to the bottom of the castle crag decent, going in a westerly direction, its one of the areas I’ve always wanted to have a go at?

    One poss alternative to the normal bash route – head up to the top of Honister, right up onto Dale Head, then descend to the tarn and on down through Rigghead Quarries. Left and back down the graveyard as normal.

    Any of the Western Fells are good – Coldale Horseshoe is good in either direction with lots of options. Whiteless like Lowey says, Grasmoor…on the other side of the road, Hindscarth and Robinson. High Spy, Maiden Moor, Catbells is a great run back into town. Best after about 4pm when the walkers have gone home.

    Free Member

    the best way is to come along on Tuesday night…..

    Loop round Loweswater is worth a look, not the most tech but good riding

    Free Member

    Morning chaps,

    The dale head addition looks like a good option had a look on the map and there are three tracks going down to the tarn hows this relate on the ground? does it really matter which one you take.

    Mike I’ve been considering a trip up to Keswick for a while would be a good time to do I think? whats the deal with the ride, normally go out with Biketreks on a Tuesday so its not much further to travel 🙂

    Full Member

    I think Mike has gone on his hols so….
    a. when is your long weekend and
    b. Keswick Tuesday rides are….wait for it….Every Tuesday 6:30 from the carpark outside the Lakeland Pedlar cafe. Would be great to see you.

    Full Member

    I didn’t see that lowey and I didn’t think that looked ace 😉

    Free Member

    The dale head addition looks like a good option had a look on the map and there are three tracks going down to the tarn hows this relate on the ground? does it really matter which one you take.

    HiIamSam – just follow the most pronounced track from the summit cairn – you can’t really go wrong. Zig-zaggy at first, then into a long steep fix the fells set of steps.

    Free Member

    PTiger’ Reet that defo sounds like a tryer and the fix the fells steps are always good for a challenge. plus it seems to drop you at the top of the best bit of the castle crag.

    Clare, will definitely get up one Tuesday probably the week after next, what timeish do you guys finish? It’s a bit of a treck south to get home. I think were going up one weekend in August……….. one of the groups a Teacher so we have to work within school hols 🙄 really should find out the date.

    Free Member

    Sam – It’s the weekend of the 5/6/7th August we’re booked for.

    These routes look ace, can’t wait!


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