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  • north by north east
  • marty
    Free Member

    looking for recommendations for a new (to me) Scottish day ride for this weekend.

    * 5-6 hours
    * north of perth
    * east of the A9
    * no crampons required

    knocked off beinn a ghlo[/url] a couple of weeks ago, so not that.

    Free Member

    hey dude im not a particularly good sourc of information for this area but i do live up in aberdeen for the majority of the year so if you do get up here anytime or live in the area id be up for a ride as almost all of my mates are into the DH and street. email me gibbymc@hotmail.com if u fancy it or even if u get any or have any decent routes you wouldnt mind sharing. will

    Free Member

    You could try the fungle route if you’ve not tried that before. Starting in aboyne? Or a similar route but up mount keen. The fungle is pretty good and can be extended as you see fit. Likewise mount keen can hoook up with the fungle route. Failing that, head up to ballater and vist highland cycles.
    neep site
    This is one of the aberdeen clubs and they have a few routes up round here.
    Hope this helps

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