The railway has always been a good place for nicknames, two of my all time favourites are Vidal Raccoon (the guy had a big ol’ bouffant with a white streak running through it) and Telly Saliva (because he looked like Telly Savalas if Telly Savalas only ever ate pies, drank mild and smoked roll ups).
An old workmate who is incapable of doing anything quietly is called Caps Lock.
Bloke with disproportionately short legs in relation to his torso is called Cut And Shut.
Colleague with the initials KC found themselves lumbered with the moniker KFC after someone inserted the middle banhammer-worthy word whilst ranting about them.
A bloke at work who comes in the messroom and never speaks is called Sooty (he’s also a steam railway enthusiast so it works on both levels).