Went to Uni with two Tonys
Tony from Birmingham was known as Town, Tony from Yorkshire as Torn
My wife is called Patch by everyone as she used to wear her hair over one eye
Went to school with a girl called Toolbox. Apparently something to do with a screwdriver
Worked with a bloke called Seagull, he used to pull unfinished food from our bins, hide it and eat it later
Mate is still called Boogie, we were in a minibus going to see the Ramones, he overheard someone saying they were going to Boogie all night long. Pete misheard and asked if they were coming, we asked “what Boogie?”, he tried to make out he knew a guy called Boogie well. We have known him for years and this was clearly bullshit but he would not back down. So he has been called this ever since and every gig we ask him where Boogie is? Strangely Boogie has yet to turn up.
Fat bloke at old work called Jocky (after Jocky Wilson )