Home Forums Chat Forum Nice little motor, only 26k on the clock; £3 million to you, guvnor!

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  • Nice little motor, only 26k on the clock; £3 million to you, guvnor!
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Tatty old car sells for £3million.

    Recession? What recession??!?!

    Think this was mentioned a few weeks ago, but that’s a frightening amount of money, for an old car. When people are losing their jobs, their homes, it just seems obscene, really.

    If there are people paying this sort of money, for a tatty old car, while others face poverty, something has gone seriously wrong in society… 🙁

    Spose, yeah, engineering history, what price art, etc, and all that, but still. Just don’t seem right, somehow.

    Free Member

    If you were a multi billionaire, how much would you give away?

    Free Member

    molgrips, you’ll have to ask me a lot more nicely than that to get anything.

    Full Member

    If there are people paying this sort of money, for a tatty old car, while others face poverty, something has gone seriously wrong in society

    It’s hardly a new thing though is it.

    But yeah your right just before Xmas we were out getting last few pressies for kids, we went past a jewelers which has a open shop front. There was a young chap in there choosing which watch he wanted to buy £12k+ watched he was looking at that’s more than some people raised there family on per year. However, its the way the world has been for well centuries.

    Free Member

    When Noel Gallager was interviewed on the radio, he was asked about the recession, his reply? “it doesn’t affect me”

    It might seem harsh to say that, but the ‘average jo’, and even those above that average (the ‘average’ mountain biker (according to the post regarding earnings/job)) are the ones who are feeling the squeeze, however, i’m quite sure there are people, even on STW who are still happy to go out and spend 3-4k on a bike, the two cannot be compared really, the bike will have depreciated as soon as its ridden, the car? well, once restored the value will either increase or remain steady – so an investment.

    Not that I agree with it, and as you say, it doesn’t seem right somehow!

    jt 😉

    Free Member

    Drac, if that man had earned the money to buy that watch, what is the problem?

    Free Member

    If there are people paying this sort of money, for a tatty old car, while others face poverty, something has gone seriously wrong in society…

    But this has been the case for hundreds of years; it’s just been brought a little closer to home. If it’s taken you this long to be amazed, then something went wrong with society a looong time ago.

    Free Member

    Just listening to the radio and the presenter menmtioned an article about a top footballer’s wife saying that she has had to make cutbacks like only going to the hairdresser once a week. Makes you laugh at there attempt to show solidarity in these hard times.
    But getting back to your point about what people spend on luxuries I think if you have the money spare then you will spend it on something reletive to the amount. To most people it is a gross misuse of money but then again there are some people who may think spending a couple of grand on a bike to be the same misuse. 😕

    Full Member

    Drac, if that man had earned the money to buy that watch, what is the problem?

    Did I say there was?

    Free Member

    Mind you, 3mil is peanuts compared to the 50 million given (tax free) for a tatty painting owned by a rich duke who’s family were responsible for the worst of the Highland clearances 🙂

    Free Member

    To most people it is a gross misuse of money …

    Who the **** cares what ‘most people’ think? Your money is yours to spend as you wish. Of course if you really want to see gross misuse of money look towards the government rather than private individuals. At least individuals are ‘misusing’ their own money rather than ours.

    Luckily we don’t live in a communist state where everyone is equal, though some more equal than others, so we as individuals get to choose what we spend our money on and more importantly, how we earn it.

    Some people I work with think that spending over £100 on a mountain bike is stupid.

    Free Member

    £3mill on a car?

    Don’t essentially have a problem with that.

    I would have more of a problem if he’s bought it as an “investment” and promptly sticks it storage and forgets about it whilst waiting for it to increase yet further in value.

    If he takes it out, canes the t!ts off it on classic rallys, track days and tours and has a lot of fun with it using it for the purpose it was designed for, then more power to the guys elbow.

    Free Member

    No, I know it’s the ‘way of the World’ and all that; I’m certainly not amazed by it!

    Last night, I’d been reading all sorts of stories re the Recession, not least the fact that £1 BILLION of tax payers money will be going towards bonuses of those who already rich, and it just stood out, as an example of excess, whilst others suffer.

    Hang on, let me get me cup of tea…


    I spose I can’t stand any form of obscene excess, tbh. Having seen people at the very lowest end of the Human wealth scale, in Bangladesh, I doubt I could ever be someone who could spend millions on ultimately worthless things. But that’s me.

    As for a lad spending £12k on a watch, as CFH says; it’s his money to do with how he pleases. It may not be ‘right’, in someone elses eyes, but it’s the choice of the individual.

    No, I spose it’s more the fact that such a sum could ever be spent on a ‘tatty old car’. Or any such thing. As for the £50m painting, well, that’s just ridiculous, I think anyone will agree!

    I just feel that there has to be a ‘line’, somewhere, you know? Maybe people need to consider a limit to their ostentatiousness.

    S’all relative. I am very wealthy indeed, compared to many people in Bangladesh. For which I am always aware of, and truly fortunate. And personally, I’m I’m absolutely truthful, I don’t actually ‘want’ much more; I certainly don’t ‘need’ it.

    Ok, well, maybe just one more bike.

    Just a little one….

    Free Member

    Unless the guy who brought the car is a director of RBS or one of the other banks we taxpayers now have interests in its not really an issue is it?

    But even if he is a director of RBS or one of the banks we taxpayers have an interest in its still not really an issue. The government gave them our money far too quickly and with far too few conditions set.

    Full Member

    As for a lad spending £12k on a watch, as CFH says; it’s his money to do with how he pleases. It may not be ‘right’, in someone elses eyes, but it’s the choice of the individual

    Same concept though isn’t it as the £3 million, why the money to us is crazy if they’ve both earned it then good on them.

    Free Member

    he’s earnt the dosh so why not, was looking at isa’s and the like the other day, thinking, why the fek should i put 3k in an account that earns pittance in intrest, when I could buy an MG and have some fun?

    You cant take it with you when you die (cant take the car either, but i imagine having a bed stuffed with 3m in £5 notes gets tireing after a while)

    Free Member

    £1 BILLION of tax payers money will be going towards bonuses of those who already rich

    To be fair, that’s not quite the case as I understand it. It’s bonuses across the company, so it’s also the people on £25k per year getting an extra grand or so. Of course, the board will get hundreds of thousands, too.

    Free Member

    £3 million on a car? You could buy a thousand bikes for that!

    Free Member

    Or a lot of chips. 8-D

    Free Member

    miketually; I think you have conclusively proved the folly of spending so much, on a tatty car…

    Free Member

    Or a lot of chips. 8-D

    Free Member

    pfft the buyer will have to spend another £500 at least getting through an MOT.

    Full Member

    Well as George Best said to a reporter asking about the millions he earnt over the years…

    I spent a lot of my money on booze, birds and fast cars – the rest I just squandered……

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