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  • new phone – high data usage
  • andybrad
    Full Member

    facebook app on mine uses LOADS of data. its down to those reels that are now integrated into your feed i think. But usage has jumped from 4 to 10 gig a month

    Full Member

    Is there not a setting in the fb app to disable auto play of videos. That might help

    Edit:settings->never auto play videos

    facebook app on mine uses LOADS of data. its down to those reels that are now integrated into your feed i think. But usage has jumped from 4 to 10 gig a month

    she regularly disables them, but then every now and then her phone makes us jump when something starts at full volume from nowhere 😀

    yeah i wouldnt touch the app with a bargepole, but she insists on using it. the issue seemed to be that this megachunk of data was coming off her mobile data instead of wifi, which it doesnt seem to do on her old moto G7. but that phones got a knackered speaker, so she’ll have to sort something out anyway. why she wouldnt just try the redmi again after a factory reset i dont know, itd save a load of faff it it worked this time.

    hey ho


    Full Member

    Gmail looked to be pretty high data usage unless lots of photos were being sent, as emails are mostly yet I would assume it should be fairly low on data.

    Full Member

    yes i thought that too. i asked her if she’d used it much but she hadnt, just checked her emails a couple of times, no emails sent at all.

    strange. doubt we’ll get to the bottom of it now as its going back this morning.

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