I hear that the new law to force insurance companies to charge men and women the same amounts for car insurance etc etc. It’s a law based on barmy socialist ideals, totally disregarding the fact that insurance premiums are based on risk.
We are informed today that men will pay less and women more for their car insurance. I think the balance is rather unfair for young drivers and they all pay too much, so I can see some sense in making changes here.
Where pivate pensions are concerned, men will have to pay more and women less. Now this I really don’t understand given that on average, women draw their pensions for many more years than their male counterpart.
Private money purchase pensions are a duff product and have been for a couple of decades. I don’t see this changing for a long time. Young people can blame pension companies and governments for depriving them of a decent supply of affordable starter homes. If private pensions had been supported by government, individuals might not have felt the urge to find alternative means of securing their retirement income (in buy-to-let investments).
Aside from this matter, I really don’t get why women have enjoyed the right to draw a pension several years before men. Given that they live a lot longer, shouldn’t men retire at 60 and women 65? Seems completely fair when you look at life expectency stats for men and women.
The EU keep foisting ever more rules and regulations on us. It’s time the UK took back control of it’s own destiny!