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  • Neighbour commuting by tractor and causing a nuisance – WWSTD?
  • franksinatra
    Full Member

    Or you could put up with a few minutes of diesel idling noise a day and display a shred of empathy for a chap who sounds like he works 100hr weeks

    This, many times over.

    My nan used to live in Houndslow right under the flight path for Heathrow. The house would shake every three minutes as planes came in. She never once complained and, because it she didn’t let it annoy her, she rarely even noticed the 747’s passing over her house at 300ft. My point is, what is the bigger issue, the amount of noise or how much you are letting it annoy you?

    Neighbour disputes rarely end well for anyone. If you watch any of those nightmare neighbour programmes you usually see deeply unhappy, bitter parties on both sides, often each as bad as each other.

    I honestly think you just need to let it go.

    Free Member

    Or you could put up with a few minutes of diesel idling noise a day and display a shred of empathy

    I am sure he could if it did not wake him up and why run it for 5 minutes

    It might be just me but my neighbours waking me up constantly at unsocial hours when just a little forethought could negate this is the sort of thing that would get on my nerves

    perhaps I just like sleeping and not being woken by inconsiderate folk more than you do ?

    Free Member

    why run it for 5 minutes

    To warm it up.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Difficult isnt it.

    His working day starts a lot earlyer than yours and goes on a lot longer.

    I see loads of tracktors out working at odd times. Its the countryside so no one to really upset apart from you.

    I can see it would be annying, not sure what the answer could be though.

    Even with red diesel a car would be cheaper but try and pursuade him that….

    Full Member

    My observations are:

    – Living near other people is generally the pits.
    – Farmers have a very binary view of the world: you’re a farmer or you’re not. And if you’re not, you’re barely shit on their shoe
    – It’ll get quieter in the winter because (1) you won’t have your windows open and (2) he won’t be out as late (though it will get worse in August obviously)
    – Once the baby arrives you’ll find the sound of the tractor running is the only thing that will get the little sod off to sleep when you’ve been woken for the sixth time that night….

    Free Member

    leaves at about 4.30 am every day, and returns at about 10.30-11pm

    Leaving 6 hours to eat supper and breakfast, shower, sleep, and do everything else. And you’re surprised that he’s a bit grumpy.

    Free Member

    He does sound like a bit of a bell-end IMHO…

    IME noisy neighbours don’t often a F about disturbing others, in fact I think complaining just encourages them.

    In some part of their weak brain it’s a win for them if they’ve wound someone up. An attitude I’ve never understood & never been able to reason with…

    Free Member

    why run it for 5 minutes

    To warm it up.

    buy him an engine heater and then he won’t have to warm it up for so long.

    Full Member

    buy him an engine heater and then he won’t have to warm it up for so long.

    It’s 30 degrees out there, so should take less than 2 mins to warm up…

    Free Member

    Just talk to the council and let them decide if the fact he works long hours justifies driving around a village in a tractor in the middle of the night.

    Full Member

    An attitude I’ve never understood & never been able to reason with…

    Avoid Twitter 😉

    Full Member

    it’s customs and excise for evading the duty on fuel, and hmrc if you think he’s getting benefit from using a company vehicle to get to/from work without paying the tax.
    i’d be more inclined to get an air con unit personally. it’s an affront to manhood but it’s never going to end well if he won’t even have a conversation about it.
    if you were going to make a problem for him though i’d give fair warning, and if he still behaves badly, do the above and also the noise route. if you’re going in you’d better go balls deep.

    Free Member

    To warm it up.

    Well, considering it sounds like he might be using it 13 hours a day I don’t think warming it up is really necessary. Not as if he’s popping to get the Sunday papers in it!

    Full Member

    Nick it while he leaves it idling, go and do doughnuts in his field, then burn it out.

    Always works for me.

    Free Member

    To warm it up.

    Which is not needed

    “While it does take longer for motor oil to pump in extreme cold temperatures, we are talking milliseconds, not minutes,” she said. “Your engine will warm up the oil much faster when driving at full speed — not to mention idling wastes gas.

    the worst point is the start point/cranking after that the oil is flowing anyway

    Free Member

    IME noisy neighbours don’t often a F about disturbing others, in fact I think complaining just encourages them. In some part of their weak brain it’s a win for them if they’ve wound someone up. An attitude I’ve never understood & never been able to reason with…


    Full Member

    As a farmer, he will have access to a whole arsenal of creative ways to get his own back. Wouldn’t be one of my top ten people to start a feud with.

    Full Member

    As a farmer, he will have access to a whole arsenal of creative ways to get his own back. Wouldn’t be one of my top ten people to start a feud with.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Or you could put up with a few minutes of diesel idling noise a day and display a shred of empathy for a chap who sounds like he works 100hr weeks

    I used to love this place… I’d stroll into a debate, drop one of my trademark slightly fascist or intolerant “thread bombs” and watch the liberals running round like headless chucks trying out out-do one another in the mock indignation stakes.

    Now the liberals have cottoned on to my little game, and I’m not sure I like it! 🙁

    Full Member

    Does sound like you’re a bit screwed after the being reasonable approach failed, I can’t see the HMRC route going anywhere and if it did chances are you’d end up regretting it as they would be pretty sure it was you that shopped them 🙁
    I’d be pissed off in your circumstances though and think you have every right to be, the muppets posting otherwise should try putting up with being woken at 4:30am every day and see how they like it. Fair enough if you lived next door to the farm, you should have had that expectation when purchasing the property but in a residential area screw that.

    Free Member

    IME noisy neighbours don’t often a F about disturbing others,

    IME, most of them do not have a choice. They *have* to get work done, at a time not of their choosing etc.

    Full Member

    the muppets posting otherwise should try putting up with being woken at 4:30am every day and see how they like it.

    Feel free to borrow my daughter/cats/neighbouring farmers/my alarm clock for work and I’ll have my first lie in for years!

    Full Member

    Serious suggestion – tell the **** to ride a bicycle to his **** farm.

    Free Member

    I’d put up with it for about 18 months. Then, one bright, shiny morning get out there and nice and early so you can hear him wail as he realises that he’s toasted his livelihood by voting for brexit.

    Be kind-give him fifty quid for the tractor, then burn it, in front of his house, screaming “HOW YOU LIKING IT NOW WURZEL!!”.

    Just a thought.

    Free Member

    IME, most of them do not have a choice. They *have* to get work done, at a time not of their choosing etc.

    Did you think this one through?

    Our old noisy neighbours used to break out the kareoke machine at 2am. The whole family. Kids and all. Parents were on benefits. No work was getting done. It was definitely at a time of their choosing.

    Full Member

    I thought the overwhelming desire of the british was to get back to the good old days?

    this is pretty much how it was done in the middle ages. although then it was a noisy cow that was fed on red turnips.

    Full Member

    Difficult isnt it.

    Not really. There are laws covering noise, antisocial hours and the use of red diesel (assuming he is of course, but it’s a fair assumption). It’s easily resolved by leaving his tractor at work and commuting by car / bike, the only justification I can see for his behaviour is “because I can.” He probably gets a kick out of the fact it winds up others.

    Council, Environment Agency, Customs & Excise and HMRC might all have an interest in his antics. Get some emails sent.

    Now the liberals have cottoned on to my little game, and I’m not sure I like it

    Now the Moderators have cottoned on to your little game, it’ll earn you (another) ban.

    Free Member

    Now the Moderators have cottoned on to your little game, it’ll earn you (another) ban.


    If one were to report people for outrageously provocative liberally über-tolerent trolling, would it be taken seriously but the mods? 😉


    Full Member

    If one were to report people for outrageously provocative liberally über-tolerent trolling, would it be taken seriously but the mods?

    It sounds like you could do with a break from your computer screen TBH pal.

    Full Member

    Even mowing the school playing field as a favour would require white diesel to be used (recent case where farmer was fined for just this).

    Please cite the case and the law, cheers.

    Full Member

    We look into all complaints, no matter how deranged they are.

    Free Member

    Please cite the case and the law, cheers.

    Literally the first hit on a google search was this


    Not a school playing field but still, close enough.

    Free Member

    IME, most of them do not have a choice.

    DIY at 11.30pm come under that category?

    Full Member

    Some good suggestions from both sides of the lefty liberal do-gooder/loony brexiteer divide.

    Look, I totally understand he has to get to work on his farm, and that he works bloody hard and really long hours. I grew up working on a neighbouring dairy farm – basically child-labour, earned a pittance, and up at the crack of dawn to be shouted at by the owner, one Mr Freeman.

    On the other hand, he chose to move away from his farm to this house. So why can’t he just leave the tractor at work, and drive there in the mahoosive pickup truck that sits unused outside the house day in and day out.

    I’m actually not that bothered by the noise (years of tractor noise and other assorted farm machinery as a kid has rendered me pretty much immune) but every morning and night it wakes up our 3 year old. In fact she now wakes up and has a massive screaming fit that ‘the noisy monster is going to eat her’. It is also making it impossible for my 8 month pregnant wife to get a good night’s sleep. Yes, I know that in 4 weeks time the tractor noise will probably be the least of our worries, but his attitude still peeves me.

    Free Member

    but his attitude still peeves me.

    …then you must kill him.

    Full Member

    With kindness?

    Full Member

    Actually maybe that’s it. I’ll make him a really nice victoria sponge, take it round and flirt outrageously with him. He’ll be moved out within the week.

    Full Member

    Actually maybe that’s it. I’ll make him a really nice victoria sponge, take it round and flirt outrageously with him. He’ll be moved out within the week.

    Do this and covertly film it.

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