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  • MyFitnessPal – issues syncing data from other apps.
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Anybody else had this? (iOS specifically)

    When I used to use it, it automatically took data from Cyclemeter & Health and added this to exercise for each day. But no matter what I do, I can’t get it to sync now. I hadn’t used it for a few months, but can’t remember there being a problem before. New year, new me, etc so started using it again last week just as a recording tool, no more than that. All apps running to latest updates. Am I just going to have to uninstall and re-install both apps? Not really keen on this as would lose data from apps.

    Full Member

    Have you tried logging into the website? http://www.myfitnesspal.com

    That should let you disconnect your currently connected apps.

    If you reconnect them after that it might sort it?

    Free Member

    Hadn’t logged in Gee, no. I was at the site to check Tech support etc. but I’ll give that a go now. Ta.

    Free Member

    I think you need to be a Premium member for it to sync from other apps.

    Free Member

    I think you need to be a Premium member for it to sync from other apps.

    I wondered this, but no, it should do it even if you’re on the free version.

    Anyway, whatever I did online (and I can’t actually remember – I’m good at techy IT type stuff me 😀 ) – but think I disconnected and reconnected all apps – but it’s now getting exercise data from Health, which in turn gets it from Cyclemeter 🙄 Anyway, all good. Cheers Gee.

    Full Member

    You can disconnect and reconnect apps via the MFP app, I had a period of roughly a year of not entering any food and when I returned to it, although apps were listed as connected they weren’t, disconnect and reconnect did the trick.

    You don’t need premium for this feature, what does premium actually do? So far as I can tell none of the features I used last time have been removed from the free service!

    Free Member

    what does premium actually do?

    I haven’t looked into it that much – although by checking if I needed to have premium I could see some of the stuff. I think it allows a lot more analysis of diet, exporting files, more goal-setting ability and ad-free. But for pure recording roughly calories in v calories out, and a quick breakdown of protein/carb/fat/sugars, the free version does it fine.

    I had a period of roughly a year of not entering any food and when I returned to it, although apps were listed as connected they weren’t, disconnect and reconnect did the trick.

    Same for me I think, although it seemed that doing it from the desktop site worked, whereas I tried plenty of times through mfp/health/cyclemeter in iOS and that didn’t work.

    Free Member

    You don’t need Premium memberships for it to sync. I have a new account set up about 2 weeks ago basic free app and it’s linked to my GarminConnect. All works well.

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