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  • mydadhatedbritain
  • Lifer
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    teamhurtmore – Member
    But the level of debate was pretty poor.

    As opposed the usual high standards of QT?

    ( 😆 )

    Full Member

    If this kid’s son ever gets to be Labour Party leader it’ll return to haunt them;

    Free Member

    Wow. What was his mother thinking?

    His parting’s on the wrong side for a start!

    Free Member

    I’d like to thank the Daily Hate, it’s like they’ve condensed every car crash you tube video and Muslamic ray gun rant into one piece of of bile filled, hate motivated car crash journalism..
    They might as well have donated a million pounds to the Labour Party and kneed CMD in the nuts!
    It’s been more entertaining than watching Faulty Towers.. 😀

    Full Member


    poosibly the greatest exercise of people power in Britain during the 20th Century. An entire section of the city just said ‘No’. The law was changed and the fascists never achieved their aims.

    On the day, up to 250,000 people gathered to defend the East End. There was a fierce battle with the police when they attempted to clear a path for the march and a barricade was erected and defended in Cable Street. People in their houses threw eggs, milk bottles and the contents of chamber pots from upstairs’ windows, whilst at ground level, marbles were rolled under police horses’ hooves. The march could not proceed and Mosley was ordered to abandon his plans. It was a blow against fascism and that night there was dancing in the streets.

    Guess which side the Daily Mail was on…

    Free Member

    Wow. What was his mother thinking?

    He’d be sent home from the school I work at (in between STW posts 😆 ) too.

    No tie and top button undone, disgraceful!

    On a serious note Mehdi Hassan is one of my favourite contributors to the New Statesman, as he is very astute and tells it as it is, and isn’t afraid to challenge the consensus view. I’m only disappointed that he’s not a weekly contributor. I actually stood up at my desk and applauded after watching the clip of his performance on QT.

    Free Member

    If the SUN is correct, the notion of sending a child home on WW2 for dressing up as one of the key characters is bizarre. Are you only allowed to dress up as “one of the nice guys”?

    Are we allowed to dress kids up as Brits when studying the Boer War? Opps, the Wail will call me a Brit-hater now!!!!

    Free Member

    The notion of having a ‘WW2 dress up day’ is, in itself, bizarre imo.

    Free Member

    i think they do it in a what was the war like for kids way – well that is what they did at my kids school and they were expected to dress like they were being evacuated to the country

    Free Member

    At my kids prep schools they had regular history dressing up days nd lunches – they loved them as it helped bring history to life like a 650b 😉 can’t recall any censorship on characters though.

    Free Member

    they do it in a what was the war like for kids way

    So no kids dressed up as Churchill then ? How disappointing.

    Full Member

    My kids the did the ‘evacuation’ thing too. I think the idea wasn’t to dress as a combatant.

    My son’s infant school still had the bomb shelter under the playground so they got to spend a couple of hours in there, too.

    Free Member

    can’t recall any censorship on characters though

    Did you try sending your kids in striped pyjamas ?

    Free Member

    No but if it helped raise understanding on why they were wearing them, that would have been a positive. At that age they read the “boy in striped pyjamas” instead. Airbrushing history doesn’t help educate children.

    Free Member

    Airbrushing history doesn’t help educate children.

    And stopping a kid turning up to school dressed as Adolf Hitler is airbrushing history ? 🙂

    Free Member

    you seem confused between poor taste of fancy dress outfit and airbrushing history.
    Perhaps they explained how naughty adolf was and why it was not a good idea to dress as him so it was all rather educational?
    Would it have been appropriate for the girls to go as Joy Division?
    Is this airbrushing history?
    IIRC that Prince Harry fella got a bit of grief for it as well…some folks seem to think it is poor taste to do this rather than denying that Hitler existed or was a baddy.

    Free Member

    Genius from the Sun though, behind a paywall so can’t actually check the facts of the story so all just supposition.

    ernie_lynch – Member
    “Airbrushing history doesn’t help educate children.”

    And stopping a kid turning up to school dressed as Adolf Hitler is airbrushing history ?


    Bloody hand-wringers!

    Free Member

    Not confused at all (but as in the Scotland thread) always happy to be told what I am thinking!!!!

    It’s bad enough having to access the Wail for the Milliband story but I draw the line with the SUn, so I don’t know the story here. However, if it is the case that a school is simply sending a child home because he is dressed up as Hitler (or /Stalin/Pol Pot etc or any of their victims,) then i think that is a poor decision.

    Blimey it will be poor taste to dress up as a Roman legionnaire sent over to surprise our forefathers soon! And better abolish pith helmets, Campbell tartans etc.

    Free Member

    Not confused at all (but as in the Scotland thread) always happy to be told what I am thinking!!!!

    No one has made any suggestion of what you’re thinking. Junkyard said that you seemed confused, and you certainly do.

    You claim that children should be allowed to attend school on WW2 days dressed as Adolf Hitler, but you provide no reason why other than apparently prohibiting them to do so is “airbrushing history”.

    Do you actually believe that ? Do you think that they will grow up to be ignorant of Adolf Hitler because they weren’t allowed to dress up like him ?

    You seem confused. And I have no idea what you’re thinking.

    Free Member

    I would not flatter you by suggesting your post included thinking 😉
    I suggested a reason as to why it may not be appropriate which you could have addressed or ignored.
    I can see no reason as to why you need to dress as hitler to understand WW2 properly or know who or what he or stood for.

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