Home Forums Bike Forum My Wahoo Elemnt Bolt speedometer out of whack

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  • My Wahoo Elemnt Bolt speedometer out of whack
  • SaxonRider
    Full Member

    In the last two rides, the speed reading on my Bolt has jumped all over the place. No consistently for the whole ride, but for parts. And on this morning’s commute, it was reading a good 5 to 10 kms/h over what I think I was doing.

    All other data, including the average speed, seems accurate though.

    Any ideas why? I looked at the Wahoo page, and there is nothing about such a problem there. I did, however, attach a Lupine light that sits right beside the Wahoo, with a battery just underneath it. Is it possible that something about this set-up is throwing off the Wahoo’s reading?

    Free Member

    GPS lock dropping and coming back?

    Full Member

    GPS lock dropping and coming back?#

    How would I check that?

    Full Member

    It could well be that there is some electrical noise coming off the Lupine that is interfering with the correct operation of the Wahoo.

    Easy enough to test & rule out though.

    How would I check that?

    I haven’t got my Bolt on me, so can’t remember exactly, but I think if you press the power button while the unit is on, it takes you to the ‘set-up’ screen and I have a feeling that gps status is there. Although, I think it only says ‘good’, ‘poor’ etc. it won’t give you a screen like Garmins do, showing number of satellites it can see, strength etc.

    Free Member

    Unexpected straight lines on the ride plot on Strava, possible missing segments for a route.

    Did these rides involve going under fairly dense tree cover and/or was there dark clouds overhead?

    Free Member

    I have had some strange speed readings on mine. Like a 69 mph top speed on a route where my too speed is normally about 25mph as it’s nearly all uphill.

    I found this happened more on days where it was the first time I used the bike for a while.  When I am riding it every day it’s not happening.

    There have also been 2 or 3 firmware updates recently so perhaps that has sorted it.   Is you firmware up to date?

    Full Member

    Ive got the Elemnt and its been very good. Happened once when my max speed was showing as 100.5mph !!!. My biggest issue was gradient lag. Cleaned out the little holes on the back and a recent software upgrade have brought it more into line with other units I’ve had. Just had a look through menus on both gps and phone and there is nothing on either about Satellite strength or signal.

    Free Member

    Mine did that earlier in the week. I’m on to wahoo customer services who are investigating the issue.

    i guess it’s a software thing if multiple people have it.

    That pleases me as I know my unit is ****

    Free Member

    Like a 69 mph top speed on a route where my too speed is normally about 25mph as it’s nearly all uphill

    lance? Is that you

    Full Member

    I’m assuming these issues are all without the hub based speed sensor?

    Full Member

    I’m assuming these issues are all without the hub based speed sensor?

    You assume correctly. At least in my case.

    Full Member

    I thought the speed sensor was probably a waste of money, but went for the bundle with HRM, Cadence and Speed and am glad I did.  The speed readings with the speed sensor fitter whilst riding and looking at the computer (as opposed to just checking on Strava or whatever when you get home) seem a little more responsive to changes in speed, particularly at lower speeds and definitely when in tree cover.

    Free Member

    Were you using the Lupines?  They can give off interference I’ve heard.

    Full Member

    I was indeed. I wondered if that might have contributed…

    Free Member

    I have bought a bike off teamslug and i firmly believe having met him that his reading of 100mph was purely down to him being a racing whippet and not a fault of the elemnt.

    Free Member

    Nearly all uphill means some isn’t.

    Full Member

    My Wahoo speed sensor gives nonsense readings. Cadence sensor is fine. Originally bought for Bluetooth with iOS Zwift. It’s been replaced by a KICKR. My Garmin speed sensors have been fine.

    A change of battery did not improve matters.

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