title says it all really, got my new rs sektor 20mm maxle in the post today and obviously the first thing i do (after admiring it) is try and stick the wheel in. the wheels slotted in fine, but the maxle was pretty stiff; it went in eventually. so i start screwing the axle into the fork…its going to stop any minute…its not stopping 😕
after a bit off faffing round with a torch i realised that the axle wasnt engaging in the fork threads yet. it was at this point i didnt want to damage anything so i was going to take it out and get the LBS to work it. this is where the problems are, i cant get it out to save my life. the maxle’s definitely not caught in the thread as i can spread the legs a few mil and see a gap between the threads on the forks and on the maxle, but no amount of pulling on the maxle has budged it.
any ideas before i take it round to the bike shop, apologising for not buying one off them?