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  • My mates dad (funny heart attack tale)
  • coolhandluke
    Free Member

    If a heart attack can ever be funny that is!

    He’s 79 and worked part time as a handy man in a local nursing home where most of the inmates are considerably younger than he is!.He is actually the oldest there!

    The other day he rode to work on his mountain bike (yes really but I don’t know what type as it didn’t seem appropriate to ask) a ride he makes every day he works, 4 miles each way. He was popping Rennie like there was no tomorrow to cure his “interdigestion” and complained he didn’t feel too well to the matron (or whatever they are called) explaining the pains across his chest etc and she recommended he went to hospital as he had had the symptons for a couple of days!

    Anyway, being a good worker, he finished his shift in the nursing home and got back on his bike and cycled to hospital (another 5 miles) where they admitted him straight away due to him having a number of heart attacks.
    He was asked if they should call anyone etc and how he got there how he got there and they didn’t believe that he’d cycled there.

    He’s recovering in hospital making a good recovery and can’t wait to get home, on his bike! Ends up it was a side effect of drugs he was on for poor circulation in his legs from years of smoking years ago.

    What a star!

    Free Member

    Don’t make em’ like they used to!! Class

    Free Member

    Good to see that the cure for poor circulation is stopping the heart of the patient. What next, cure toothache with a kick in the balls?

    Free Member

    Ah bless him, what a legend!

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