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  • music recommendation sites
  • silverside
    Free Member

    Hi, i’m trying to remember the name of a music site – if i describe it hopefully someone will be able to help me.

    It has an index of artists, so say i type in "radiohead" it gives me tabs with their main albums (rated from 1 to 5 stars), their main singles, a couple of paragraphs describing their musical style ("britpop" / "rock" / etc), and lists of similar bands. It was quite comprehensive, i thought it was called something like musicbrain / last.fm

    Actually after typing all that i’ve remembered – "allmusic" !!

    do any of you use it ? or know of a better one?

    Free Member

    I use last.fm a lot. I know some people use the Hype Machine too. hypem.com

    Full Member

    music map ?[/url]

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