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  • Multi Blade Razors or Saftey Razors
  • mikehopkins
    Free Member

    Which one?
    or a BIC?

    Full Member

    How old are you? (Genuine question, not being an arse)

    Don’t use a Bic, ever, unless you’re into multiple lacerations.

    Free Member

    Is it time for another middle-class-oneupmanship shaving thread already?

    Buy some disposable razors from the supermarket, shave, get on with having a life.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    get on with having a life.

    Jeez just a question.
    I can’t afford the gillette 5 blade things.


    ummm … ok

    Free Member

    I use a safety razor… mainly as I can have 10 blades for £2.69!

    Free Member

    Jeez just a question.

    Mike, I’m not having a go at you. Shaving with ever more exotic blade combinations or increasingly rare eastern european shaving soaps is one of the silly things which the frequenters of this site use as a badge of how cool they are.

    Free Member

    kk, safety razors for cheapness?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    It must’ve been years since a razor thread. Edwin Jagger double edge razor here. Would never go back to a standard razor. Use the money I’m saving on blades to buy some biking stuff so win win

    Free Member

    I use my Rambo knife

    Full Member

    18, ok.

    Gillette Sensor. Safe, easy, and a fraction of the price of the Mach 3 Turbo GTi Ultra things.

    Progress to DE once you’ve mastered the Sensor.

    Also, get these.



    Best seven quid you’ll ever spend. Trust me.

    Full Member

    Also, Crikey, STFU.

    Love and kisses,


    Full Member

    DE safety, cheaper blades and a nice steady shave.

    Also have a Mach 3 for those speedier moments.

    Free Member

    just use your wife’s.

    Free Member

    as said above,

    pick a de safety that you like the look of. de blades, to suit.

    save a FORTUNE in the long run.

    google edwin jagger.

    de shaving is no more difficult than with a gillette.

    Full Member

    The razor is only half the bargain.

    Prep properly with some good face wash and a good long warm water soak, use a flannel. That’ll clear the skin/hair of greasey slime and the water will soften the stubble.

    King of shaves oil is the next step.

    Then you’ll be safe using anything sharp!

    Free Member

    Shaving with ever more exotic blade combinations or increasingly rare eastern european shaving soaps is one of the silly things which the frequenters of this site use as a badge of how cool they are.

    Yeh I’m soooooo cool my safety razor (£39) and exotic Turkish shaving stick is available on Ebay and many other UK outlets for a couple of quid!

    I’m going to have to find something else to save me about £50 in the next 12 months while giving me a much better shave than I ever got with a multi-blade.

    Free Member

    Gillette blue 2. twenty razors for a £5 from boots. Nice hot shower and wash face with dove soap and then Nivea sensitive gel foam stuff. Nice easy shave,doesnt cut too close so no ingrowing hairs.

    Full Member

    Wot Cougar said, plus one of these:


    It’ll pay for itself in blades in about a month, if not less.

    Free Member

    Gilette Mach 3 and just King of Shaves oil for me – since I stopped using foams/gels I don’t have any shaving rash which used to be a real problem. (I’m sure other oils will work just as well, mind, just KoS oil is easily available)

    Free Member

    Wot Cougar said, plus one of these:


    It’ll pay for itself in blades in about a month, if not less.

    mach 3 blades, 4 pack – £5
    de blades, 5 pack – £2.60 and no faffing about with a blade sharpener

    Free Member

    clubber – Member
    Gilette Mach 3 and just King of Shaves oil for me – since I stopped using foams/gels I don’t have any shaving rash which used to be a real problem. (I’m sure other oils will work just as well, mind, just KoS oil is easily available)

    Really? I find oil really uncomfortable/rash inducing.

    In answer to the op, I reckon if you have a proper beard then a decent razor is a good investment. If you’ve just got bum fluff, then use something cheap.

    Full Member

    mach 3 blades, 4 pack – £5
    de blades, 5 pack – £2.60 and no faffing about with a blade sharpener

    With the razor pit thingy that pack of Mach3’s will last about 8 months. And in the 20 seconds it takes to faff with use it you can be running the hot water into the sink (shaving with the hot water tap running down the plug-hole is obviously v.wasteful water-wise)

    Free Member

    glenh – Member
    Really? I find oil really uncomfortable/rash inducing.

    Each to their own then – I guess that there’s no single solution but it certainly made a huge difference for me.

    Free Member

    I hate shaving so generally only shave weekly at best so therefore multiblade things clog up and I end up getting rashes from them.

    I started off with this about a year ago which comes with a blade and I got in a sale for £2.50. It was fine if a little cheap feeling. A good first razor to see if you like shaving DE.


    I also bought some of these just so I got free postage. A lot of people rate these but apparently different blades give different shaves. I still have most of pack 2.


    While shaving with these I just used up my remaining spray foam stuff. After that ran out I got this. Which came with a free brush.


    I also got one of these as it helps to stop the bleeding when you cut yourself. You will cut yourself.


    After deciding that I liked DE shaving I upgraded my razor to one oof these. Its lovely, really nicely made and the shave is a much smoother and closer than the Lord razor.


    I wouldn’t recommend going out and buying a load of expensive creams and razors because it can cost a hell of a lot at first. What I would say is that using proper cream and a brush with any razor(not electric) will give you a better shave. Go for a cheap razor first like I did it works and you will be able to decide if you like DE shaving or not. It certainly takes a lot more concentration and effort than just plastering your face in foam and scraping it off with a mach 3.

    Free Member

    If your going to do it, do it properly

    Much more entertaining than any DE.

    and for quick just use some mach3 thing.

    Full Member

    Always found KoS oil and multiblade razors to be a bad combination. You spend more time de-gumming the blades than actually shaving.

    As for a blade sharpener, you can save another ten quid by using an old pair of jeans as a strop. Just run the razor backwards along the jeans a dozen times every time you use it.

    Free Member

    IHN – ok, I stand corrected on cost, but I never liked shaving with any multiblade, find them uncomfortable and either leave your my (obviously, can’t speak for you) skin either feeling greasy or with a rash like I’d shaved with sandpaper. They also clog and that’s a pain still, whatever works, works.

    I_ache, one thing i’d add is to keep an eye on ebay for Gillette Superspeeds. mine’s was around £12 or so. Excellent bit of kit

    Free Member

    So does the razorpit work well? Sounds like a good way to save on blades.

    As to clogging, I’ve just never found it to be an issue regardless of how much stubble I’m shaving off. I mean, I can see that it’s between the blades but if just goes through and out the back without affecting the save. Maybe my stubble is unusual? 😯

    Full Member

    I never liked shaving with any multiblade, find them uncomfortable and either leave your my (obviously, can’t speak for you) skin either feeling greasy or with a rash like I’d shaved with sandpaper

    I have to say, the razorpit was an absolute revelation for me. I used to hate shaving (always with multiblades, admittedly); I used to get shocking shaving rash, I tried every combination of blade, gel, brush, balm and all that and nothing really worked. I started using the razorpit as just another thing to try and pretty much straightaway I saw an improvement. It also pretty quickly strips off the (basically useless) lube strips from the blade so the greasiness is reduced too.

    Now I just use Mach3s, the razorpit, KoS gel and hot water with Nivea balm after. Nothing exotic and I’m stubble and rash free.

    {edit}So does the razorpit work well? Sounds like a good way to save on blades.

    It really does (IMO, obviously) and it really is.

    Free Member

    I can confirm the razorpit works, although I’ve only had mine about a month, but it definitely bought a well-used blade (Aldi Mach 3 equivalent) back to as-new.

    So my top tips:
    a 3 blade razor, a razorpit and – this is the most important bit – Ambrosia shaving cream from Lush – the best shaving product EVER, FACT!!!

    Free Member

    It had better do – I just bought one 🙂

    Free Member

    So does the razorpit work well? Sounds like a good way to save on blades.

    I’ve had one since the start of 2011 – I’ve used about 5 (Mach 3) razor blades since then, I used to get about 4 to 5 shaves out of them, shave once every two days.

    Free Member

    I used to use a mach 3 and Kos oil but now I am on the gillette hydro 3s and Kos Shaving Syrum. I prefer the 3 to the 5 blade version.

    The hydro blades seem to last pretty well, much better than the Mach3 and definitely better than those fusion ones with the stupid paper-based strip that wears out quickly and then just causes drag.

    The hydro is quite gloopy to start with so you don’t need much serum, but then increase the serum as it gets older.

    I haven’t tried one of those shaving pits yet, but if it works it would make the hydro 3 system last really well.

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