SFB – if you are ever looking to raise money for charity you could go for a sponsored “sack, crack & back waxing” job. I’m sure a lot of the STW’ers would pay to see a video clip of you undertaking this challenge.
Simon – you’re sure that your missus was doing it as gently as possible and not looking to exact her revenge for having to put up with you over the years!
Jamie, I believe that you promised to undertake the destruction of the Internet pending more butt shots. Surely chimp-boy-barnes has justified this course of action.
Jamie, I believe that you promised to undertake the destruction of the Internet pending more butt shots. Surely chimp-boy-barnes has justified this course of action.
*takes a step back to allow Jamie through*
I’m working on it now. Just looking for my flux capacitors, as they are a vital part of my internet killing machine.