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  • Mugdock?
  • clowner
    Free Member

    I have recently moved back to Glasgow and am looking for trails for a quick blast after work.

    From what i’ve read Mugdock seems the best bet.

    Does anyone have and route info for the area? Or can recommend any other trails in the glasgow area

    Free Member

    Glasgow Mountain Bike Club ride round Mugdock at 7 on Tuesdays and 7.45 on Wednesdays. That would probably be you best bet.

    Free Member

    Would second Mugdock but you’d need some local knowledge to find the best bits.Carron Valley not too far if you like man-made stuff + you’re the right side of Glasgow,North Third v little further + more my cup of tea..

    Full Member

    what rj said.

    Link to club website :


    Full Member

    GMBC is a good shout, they know more than anyone.

    What MTB had a route guide just a month or 2 back, I think the routes are on bikeradar. They didn’t detail all the best singletrack bits but if you keep your eyes peeled there’s plenty all around.

    Alternatively if you’re not looking to head out as part of a large group my email’s in my profile and I’m normally around the area a few times a week, so could show anyone round.

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