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  • Mountain Bikers on Road Club Rides
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    DavidB i get your homour and much made me laugh/smile etc but some of this is a litlle bit like bike snobbery which works in both directions of the great pointless bike divide mtb v road
    Who cares if you ride in Lycra or baggies , have spd shoes with three holes or two holes, whether you drink water from a bottle or a tube, whether you have a peak or not as long as you enjoy riding a bike does the rest really matter?
    On a first ride I would not expect someone to lead the group even on a two mile flat section I would also not expect them to bomb up the hills either though.
    We are just people who ride bikes some ride them on the road some off road some do both some ride fast some ride slow some ride in groups some do solo honestly who cares how other people enjoy their bike riding?

    PS Juan not like any of us know a MTB’er with a bike far better than thier ability now is it?

    Free Member

    PS Juan not like any of us know a MTB’er with a bike far better than thier ability now is it?

    Well at least the stw all the gear no idea says hello…

    Free Member

    easy to say hello whilst pushing up hill though 😆

    Just dont get this us and them divide as I ride a MTB a road bike and a hack commute bike we are all bikers just getting our thrills in different ways

    Free Member

    Me on my Reg Harris, up front in the 1977 Afia Memorial 36 mile 2up TT.

    Sorry about dragging this pic out again.

    Free Member

    Doh ‘Reg Barnett’

    Free Member

    DavidB – you’re not one of the the Port Sunlight lot I fell out with a few weeks ago are you?

    Free Member

    Plus, having pretty much been told to “**** off the road you ****, you’re in our way” by the London dynarod club,

    the emergency plumber club are well know for being a bunch of stuck-up impolite ar*eholes. dulwich paragon, addiscombe and VCL are meant to be a lot more friendly. i’m not a member of any club but hear good things about addiscombe.

    i was having a tea/cake stop at peaslake once when a group of dyno-rod road riders rolled up and one of them loudly said “phew what’s that smell? cow sh*t? no, must be the mountainbikers”

    Free Member

    This thread reminds my why I always ride alone on the road, and with company on the MTB. I did a road charity event the other year – 110 miles from Bristol to London. A group of club riders latched on to my tail, hung there for 15 miles, and then dropped me on the next climb. What a lovely bunch of people.

    Free Member

    “DavidB – you’re not one of the the Port Sunlight lot I fell out with a few weeks ago are you? “

    No, I’m the misunderstood **** on the internet that everyone else has fallen out with

    Full Member

    Is he the guy with the ‘face’ that looked like he had done a few rounds with Henry Cooper and come off the worse?

    Er, could be.

    This is him:

    Full Member

    Oh, and oldgit, you can’t have been going that fast – you had time to smile..!

    Nice picture.

    Free Member

    In fairness, Dyno-rod have some stupid number of members (I think it’s more than 350 at present) and are very, very efficient in their kit distribution.

    So the chances of any individual SW London road biking cock being (a) a member of Dyno-rod and (b) identifiable as a member because he’s wearing their branded socks are disproportionnately high, but there is no real evidence that dyno-rod suffers from a higher percentage of cocks than any other group of people. 🙂

    Full Member

    BD – my one expereience of riding in the South East seemed to involve too many of the feckers. So, on that statistically significant basis, I’d say stoning was too good for ’em. 😉

    Oh, and that old geezer is the bloke your brother is currently seeing (a lot) more of than his missus…. 😳

    Free Member

    This bloke who turned up on the club ride wasn’t called Lance and spoke with an American accent was he? You see I’ve seen cycling on the TV and there was a bloke there who sat on the back the whole way until the climbs and then attacked all the honest chaps who’d been doing the work on the front for the rest of the ride. Was just wondering if it was the same bloke?

    Free Member

    It’s a grimace, and that’s not the bloke I was thinking of.

    Free Member

    the bloke your brother is currently seeing (a lot) more of than his missus

    I am not going to comment, other than to note that I assume they fulfil different roles in his life. 🙂

    Free Member

    Lets resolve this with a fight;


    Free Member

    I can’t belive this thread is still going! Can we all just ride our bikes now?

    Free Member

    It could have been him, does Lance keep asking you what tyres you need for the various tarmac types?

    Full Member

    I am not going to comment, other than to note that I assume they fulfil different roles in his life.

    Well, that entirely depends on whether or not she also uses baby oil…. 😉

    Free Member

    DavidB keep going you are making me laugh (for the reasons you intend)

    Free Member

    it’s human nature to be scared of the unknown, and when we’re scared, we tend to lash out.

    roadies attack mountain bikers because they’re scared of the unknown. mtb’ers attacker roadies because … etc.

    i suggest that to promote understanding and friendship between the 2 groups we should introduce ourselves. i think the best way to do this if for lots and LOTS of mountainbikers to join their local road club for a few club rides (most of us own a road-bike, you know it’s true).

    i believe this will be more effective if we’re honest about who we are; the mtb’ers should show up in baggies, a bit muddy, peaked helmet, camelback bulging with the usual cake/camera/old innertubes/carrier bag full of conkers.

    To show how friendly and enthusiastic we are, we should hug everyone, call them all ‘Dude’, compliment them on the size of their p3n15 (surely the only reason for wearing lycra outside competition?). At the top of each climb we should gather round for group photo’s, and to share home-made flapjack. At the bottom of each descent we should insist on a round of high-5’s – describing it as ‘gnarly’. Obviously, the boring flat bits should be used for wheelie practise on these funny skinny bikes. and welcoming any succesfull attempt with a loud chorus of ‘whoa! – that was sick!’

    i’m sure the roadies would love us, it would be like we’d brought a little piece of the forest with us.

    it’s what i plan to do anyway…

    Free Member

    Class! I’m totally with you, dude!

    That’s the way we roll.

    Free Member

    you rock dude 😀

    Free Member

    I’m laughing out loud here!

    I would love to see the faces at my club if i turned up with my mountainbike kit on. In fact i might do it this weekend, complete with camera and porkpie!

    Free Member

    Chuckles at complete with camera and porkpie! 🙂

    I do not really have too separate sets of kit. I have kit for when I’m going fast, and kit for when I’m not so bothered. The shoes in this picture are my only set of SPDs, and got ridden on a road club ride a week after HtN without more than a cursory clean… 🙂


    Free Member

    Likewise BigDummy, though I do own some white road shoes.

    I could be forced to go with ahwiles on this though it would ruin the aesthetics of the lycra clad fast moving sight of a road group in full flight.
    Perhaps if the Mtb’ers neither went to the front or back, but just sat in the middle somewhere out of sight.

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