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  • More camera advice
  • iamanobody
    Free Member

    What do you reckon to this http://www.trustedreviews.com/samsung-nx3000-review

    Only want to spend £200ish quid
    Have a galaxy S5 so should work with it
    Lenses seem cheapish

    For general “snapping” – nothing too pro!!

    Full Member

    For the money it looks pretty good; could probably find better, could probably find worse. If it has the features you want and suits your budget, then give it a go.
    Might be worth getting it from a shop so you can have a play with it first to make sure you are happy with the feel of it and the menu system etc. before parting with your cash.

    Does it come with a flash or do you have to buy one separately. Might not be a deal breaker, but something to consider. And, as the flash isn’t integrated, is it likely to be a pain, taking it with you everywhere in case you need it??

    Free Member

    Does it come with a flash or do you have to buy one separately. Might not be a deal breaker, but something to consider. And, as the flash isn’t integrated, is it likely to be a pain, taking it with you everywhere in case you need it??

    Counterpoint to that would be that on camera flash ruins most pictures and most modern cameras have such good low light performance and iso range they’re not really necessary. Off camera flash on the other hand can yield some nice results.

    Free Member

    If it really is only general snapping / point and shoot type photography I would go for the Panasonic Lumix TZ35. Brilliant little camera.

    Full Member

    jimjam – Member

    Counterpoint to that would be that on camera flash ruins most pictures and most modern cameras have such good low light performance and iso range they’re not really necessary. Off camera flash on the other hand can yield some nice results.

    Counterpoint to that would be fill flash to remove shadows on a sunny day?! 😆 Flash isn’t just about illuminating a dark scene. My compact has +/- 2 stops of flash exposure compensation, so it doesn’t have to drown out ambient light. Comes in very handy on bright, sunny days to avoid under-exposed faces.
    Perhaps this camera has a ‘dynamic range’ setting that would take care of that, but I find those settings often leave the image looking very flat.

    The OP mentioned

    For general “snapping” – nothing too pro!!

    so I doubt he’d be too bothered by off camera flash.

    Free Member


    Counterpoint to that would be fill flash to remove shadows on a sunny day?! 😆

    So if he is generally snapping on sunny days, and generally realises he needs some fill flash he’s generally going to pop up the flash, set it to fill mode, compensate exposure for flash….or is he just going to take a picture?

    Unless he lives somewhere particularly sunny I don’t see this being a big problem for “general snapping”.

    Free Member

    Hopefully graduating form general snapping so the lumix is probs not the best. acn also get different lenses for the samsung

    Full Member

    jimjam – Member

    So if he is generally snapping on sunny days, and generally realises he needs some fill flash he’s generally going to pop up the flash, set it to fill mode, compensate exposure for flash….or is he just going to take a picture?

    You make it sound so long winded…..on my camera it’s a question of popping up the flash and that’s it. I generally have -0.7/-1.0 flash compensation dialled in all the time (easy to set-up in the settings menu) and popping the flash up automatically switches the camera to ‘fire the flash’. Nothing else required; although Nikon does flash stuff quite well, so maybe other cameras aren’t as simple. The longest bit is waiting for the flash to charge from the piddly battery.

    I’d rather have a flash on a take everywhere p&s than not. Others might not have the same view or requirement.

    Full Member

    iamanobody – Member

    Hopefully graduating form general snapping so the lumix is probs not the best. acn also get different lenses for the samsung

    Have a look at how many lenses are available and how much they cost. I am not familiar with the Samsung lenses, so don’t know whether you’d regret getting a good initial deal once you started looking for different lenses and found there weren’t many and they are all expensive.

    Panasonic/Olympus use the same mounts for their mirrorless compacts so seems to offer the largest range of options and from what I have seen, they seem well priced.
    The Panasonic GF6 looks like a decent camera, but is £100 more than the one you link to.

    There are plenty of people on here with more experience of this type of camera who might be able to advise on other options.

    Free Member


    I’d rather have a flash on a take everywhere p&s than not. Others might not have the same view or requirement.

    I’d rather not, which is why I chimed in in the first place. Apart from off camera (very occasionally) I virtually never use flash at all, haven’t done so for many years. I like to work with whatever cards I’m dealt so to speak.

    Free Member

    any more thoughts

    Full Member

    For general “snapping” – nothing too pro!!

    I’d say a good built in flash can be vary handy.

    Free Member

    My £200 would go on this – https://outlet.sony.co.uk/shop/Interchangeable-lens-cameras-Alpha-/Compact-mirrorless-ILCE-/ILCE5000LB.CEC.A
    i have brought most of my stuff from here never had a problem

    Free Member

    link no worky

    Free Member

    but 50% too much

    Free Member

    but 50% too much

    One day I will learn to read the full post before jumping in…….

    Full Member

    Would you consider 2nd hand? You could get a decent 2nd hand SLR with lens for £200. Something like a Nikon D60 with kit lens on eBay seem to be going for £150.

    Full Member

    London Camera Exchange have got a D60 with 18-55 VR lens for £150 and comes with 6 month warranty.


    Free Member

    Right – bought the samsung, get it tomorrow all being well. keep you posted

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