You used the term ‘gammon’ in a pejorative manor.
It’s the last “ism” that is ok to insult with no consequences for the name caller.
You’re accusing posters of being gammonist? Srsly?
What if the term Gammon is used against any white male who just happens to question something that is deemed a bit edgy
I’ll take “things that didn’t happen so hard that it unhappened things that did” for $200 please, Alex.
is this not a hateful slur?
What if it is? Sometimes a **** needs reminding that they’re a **** in the hope that they’ll be less **** going forwards.
Coming up next: arguing that calling out racists is intolerant.
I’d certainly take offense being called a Gammon
If you believe that this is a risk, you could always try to be less Daily Express. Problem solved.