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  • More bad gateways than a Stalingrad public footpath.
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    Full Member

    Site has been dire to use this morning. Can someone give the hamsters a mince pie or summit?

    [Mod] apologies but should be fine now.

    Full Member

    Tell me about it.

    I must have had 502 of them.

    Full Member

    Same, down tools Friday?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Absolutely flying now! Whoosh… 🤗

    Full Member

    Absolutely flying now! Whoosh… 🤗

    Hamsters clearly now feasting on Waitrose finest mince pies 👍

    Full Member

    Obviously forgot to feed the ones in Scotlandshire

    Full Member

    needs another kick 

    Full Member

    Too many mince pies… mid afternoon nap required.

    Full Member

    Still doing it.

    Full Member

    502 Bad Gateway is the Chrome thumbnail for this site on my desktop PC

    Full Member

    Yep back to being borderline unusable again.

    Full Member

    And only 2 free members in the complainers. ;)

    Full Member

    502 and 504 errors and running like a pig again.

    Full Member

    Then there’s the random ads and pop-ups telling me about the subscription I already have. It’s also possibly the slowest and least responsive website I’ve used since about 2005. 

    Free Member

    …add resource hungry to that list. Within a couple of minutes browsing this site the fan on my Mac mini kicks in. No other website does this.

    Full Member

    add resource hungry to that list. Within a couple of minutes browsing this site the fan on my Mac mini kicks in. No other website does this.

    Weird?, that’s been happening to my iMac over the previous week, I’ve never heard the fan in 3 years of owing this iMac and it only happens on this site.

    Full Member

    Site has been falling over every few minutes for months now, not been stable all year.

    Full Member

    Same here. And home page not refreshing with latest subjects

    Full Member

    I’m still worried they’re using all our computers for BitCoin mining, got to keep the lights on somehow!

    Then there’s the random ads and pop-ups telling me about the subscription I already have.

    Getting this every page right now, a black box with yellow writing saying about Member discounts for subscribers urging me to join.

    Full Member

    Yep, I thought it had been fixed yesterday, but back to same old, same old. Barely been able to use the site this morning. The shortcut icon on my phone and Chromebook for this site have both renamed themselves ‘502 bad gateway’. To be fair it’s been a little better in the last hour or so.

    I’ve just had the annual email to renew my subscription.  I have renewed but I gave very serious consideration to not doing so. The content is worth it, but that’s no good if I can’t access it when I want to. I know the team is small and are constantly fire fighting and trying to make it work. I genuinely wish them well in that and want it to succeed, but it’s getting harder to justify paying for a frequently poor user experience.

    Full Member

    Then there’s the random ads and pop-ups telling me about the subscription I already have.

    Yep, what they need is some form of database with which they could store member details and then they could look up the member each time they visit and serve appropriate messaging….

    Full Member

    I occasionally get these, but it depends on what browser I’m using, and rebooting sometimes helps as well. I’m using an iPad Pro 10.5”, with 512Gb of storage. It is around six years old, mind, and is used for quite a few hours every day.

    I think a replacement might be in order next year.

    Full Member

    I have renewed but I gave very serious consideration to not doing so. The content is worth it, but that’s no good if I can’t access it when I want to… but it’s getting harder to justify paying for a frequently poor user experience.

    This, constantly hanging up, being logged out, bad gateways etc. When posting becomes a chore one has to question re-subscribing.A USP of “it’s even worse for the free users” isn’t the best business plan.

    Full Member

    I’ve been getting the 502s again today but the only “pop-up ad” I’ve seen was that highlighting additional member discounts and that only appeared once. 

    Free Member

    A USP of “it’s even worse for the free users” isn’t the best business plan.

    Yep, “give us some money and it will be slightly less crap” doesn’t motivate me one bit.
    I’m sorry to say, and I know it sounds unappreciative, but this is undoubtedly the worst web site I frequent.
    I’m not a web developer but I run my own business that relies on a good web presence, and I don’t get how a business can base it’s web site on a platform that (AFAIK) was never really meant to host a forum.
    I’m on a number of other forums that are just as busy and never have an issue.
    Maybe it’s because STW isn’t just a forum? (I don’t look at the rest 😬)

    Edit: I should add it’s fine today on my Pixel 6 but with certain “features” being blocked.

    Free Member

    sometimes this site crashes the browser on my work PC (Chrome), meaning I can’t get to any other web sites at all, even the ones internal to work. Clearing the browsing data /history & cookies etc doesn’t fix it, the only way to reset it is to restart the PC. It doesn’t happen on my own PC though, same browser.

    Free Member

    I have never understood why the forum isn’t separate from the rest of the stuff?

    Full Member

    At the fear of sounding like a stuck record, yet again I have struggled to use the site this morning. Endless 502 bad gateways and a new one to me ‘405 not allowed’. When the chat summary page does refresh, it’s often an old, hours out of date version. No issues with any other website.

    I know I’m opening myself to accusations of whingeing but **** me it’s frustrating!



    @blokeuptheroad JPA is more reliable than this and that’s a proper shit system. 😉😂

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Looks like they just turned it off and back on again. Speedy now.

    Maybe it needs treating like Windows 95 and have a weekly scheduled reboot at like 3am on a Sunday.

    Full Member

    Oh no it’s not, random 502 errors all over the place. I’m really questioning my subscription when it comes up next year. It’s always been OK for me as a paid user but the last couple of months……..

    Free Member

    502 Bad Gateway is the Chrome thumbnail for this site on my desktop PC


    And only 2 free members in the complainers. 😉


    <Whispers> For the last few weeks the forum’s been the most stable I’ve seen it in quite some time….</Whispers>

    Yeah, forget that, it 502’d when I hit submit…..

    Free Member

    I opened a load of tabs, after I clicked to open this one the ones after all 502’d.

    Maybe if you don’t look it doesn’t exist?

    Full Member

    Hi folks. Tech is (and has been) looking into it, and has been trying to figure out the problem. They’re currently looking at whether it’s the Megasack entry forms that’s causing the problem – the timing seems to suggest this may be the case. It’s as frustrating for us as it is for you, so please be reassured it’s getting Tech’s full attention.


    @stwhannah I reckon it’s more do do with the PSA’s that aren’t PSA’s and the missing links. It’s caused a disturbance in the force.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the update Hannah and good to know it’s being looked into. I’m not convinced it’s anything to do with megasack though. It was just as bad for me on Saturday and Sunday when there were no megasack entries.

    Full Member

    and it has been happening long before mega sack  started. 

    Full Member

    Why don’t you sack off the historical posts and just do a new forum

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