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  • Mobile Phones
  • fingerbike
    Free Member

    Whats good in the world of mobiles these days?

    Got a K800i at the moment, I don’t have a contract have always bought phones off ebay etc., I really like my current phone but the joystick looks to be going…

    Only use the camera phone and text functions on the current phone so not looking for some gimmicky crap like the iphone… ideally something robust (thinking clamshell type) but with a good camera and flash included..

    Does something like that exist?

    Full Member

    As someone who’s obviously never touched one, describing the iPhone as gimmiky crap is just daft. I’ve had mine for around two months after an N95 and an XDA Mini, and I can confidently say it’s the most amazing, useful electronic device I’ve ever used. It’s versatility is astonishing: the camera is far better than the poxy Nokia one, especially with the various apps to tweak the pics with, I have dozens of ebooks on it that I read regularly, the weather forcasting apps are superb, I get streaming audio from Last FM, Wolfgangs Concerts, radio stations from all over the world including all the BBC ones, then there’s the dictionaries, navigation aids like tube maps, AtoZ maps…
    Plus it plays music really well, and can even make the odd phone call…
    It’s very fashionable for the anti-Apple faction to slag the iPhone off, but if it had Nokia or Sony on the front the same people would be all over it. It’s amazingly useful, it has virtually replaced my laptop for most web-based use.

    Free Member

    iphone! the end

    Free Member

    what phones have wireless capabilities?

    Free Member

    OK, I phrased that badly, didn’t say it to slate the iphone, always been a big fan of the ipod and not anti Apple, more to say i’m not looking for a phone with a ton of functions (gimmicky crap in my vocab) that hence costs a lot of money…
    So probably not an Iphone then.. unless i can get one for about £100?

    Free Member

    Hang on fingerbike, have I not just replied to your thread on the Corrado forum? LOL

    Free Member

    Hang on fingerbike, have I not just replied to your thread on the Corrado forum? LOL

    You probably have… 🙂

    Free Member

    In that case I refer you to the message Leonard sent you a moment ago LOL

    Free Member

    lg viewity (ku990) v good camera flash n the lot =)

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