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  • mind blowing fact of the day (for me at least)
  • Stevet1
    Full Member

    If you put all the possible numbers in order, the last one will be zero, alphabetically.

    I bet you a zillion pounds that’s not true.

    Free Member

    The word “Factoid” is only used by morons.



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    franksinatra. I’m going to pretend I don’t know that one.

    Free Member

    Bob Holness was the soloist on Maggot Brain.

    Free Member

    Dead skin and dust mite poo make up one third of the weight of a two year old, unwashed, pillow

    Now I’m scared that some dirty housework shirker will eventually have a pillow that will grow so heavy it will collapse under its own weight, and tear a hole in the space-time continuum.

    Full Member

    franksinatra. I’m going to pretend I don’t know that one.

    try as hard as you like but you will think about it next time you are staying in a hotel!

    Full Member

    There is no proper name for the back of the knee.

    Free Member

    There is no proper name for the back of the knee.

    Popliteal Fossa?

    /vaguely remembered anatomy from helping my OH revise for exams

    Free Member

    Fruitbat: There is no proper name for the back of the knee.

    I named it Steve

    Full Member

    More of a gradual unearthing than one big one.

    It was surprised to see a large bulk vessel, the Alppila unloading coal next to my office and over the wall from the little marina with the sailing boats.

    Turns out that we’re at one end of this system of underground coal silos, serving the power station 500m away. The little pointy up bit at the top right is what the coal is unloaded into.

    If you’re in a cold snowy place, keeping your coal out in the open causes a few problems, so sticking it underground seems like a a good idea, but expensive, right? Not necessarily:

    Coal Storage Silos in bedrock were built with the price that the City of Helsinki got by selling the former Coal heap area for building ground to private companies. Average price of underground space is only 100 €/m3, including excavation, rock reinforcement, grouting and underdrainage.

    more (will download a 2.2MB pdf) http://www.energiaklubi.fi/energiaklubi_site/mediafiles/pdf-documents/Energy_days/Salmisaari_Power_Plants.pdf

    That got me onto more about underground stuff in Helsinki, including this: which I need to visit while I’m here:

    And what they’re doing with the excavated rock. Compare this with google maps of the city today:


    The boat, the Alppila, came here from the Vysotsk terminal situated on Vysotsk island in the Gulf of Finland, which handles steam coal exported from the Kuzbass (Kuznetsk) region of SW Siberia. So I’m going to be heated by coal from here: Novokuznetsky District, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia 53.644888, 87.923694 (co-ordinates are “ish”)


    Full Member

    Popliteal Fossa?

    /vaguely remembered anatomy from helping my OH revise for exams

    Well that must have been invented since Vivian Stanshall’s seminal work, Sir Henry at Rawlison End.

    Full Member

    – Google uses enough energy to continuously power 200,000 homes
    – Google accounts for roughly 0.013 percent of the world’s energy use
    – One Google search is equal to turning on a 60W light bulb for 17 seconds
    – One year of Gmail is as efficient as a message in a bottle
    – Google’s carbon footprint is zero (after offsets)


    Full Member

    Our uni lecturer said that there’s no such thing as a straight line, it is just a circle with an infinite radius therefore nothing is truly straight in nature.
    She was too scary to debate with (and probably correct)

    Free Member

    Our uni lecturer said that there’s no such thing as a straight line it is just a circle with an infinite radius therefore nothing is truly straight in nature.

    Of course there is, there’s lots of examples of straight lines.

    You should have drawn one like this and showed her.

    I can’t see a circle with an infinite radius there ^

    Your uni lecturer was talking bollox. What else did she tell you ?

    Free Member

    Our uni lecturer said that there’s no such thing as a straight line it is just a circle with an infinite radius therefore nothing is truly straight in nature

    Utter codswallop.

    Every fule knoweth that it is an arc with infinite radius.

    Full Member

    Actually “factoid” means “something which resembles a fact, but is not a fact”.


    Full Member

    Nah, my ruler is pretty straight. No circles there.
    I use it to measure my popliteal fossa. you know, the name for the back of the knee.


    Free Member

    I herd that cows produce more greenhouse gas than cars

    Free Member

    Canada is around 41 times the size of the UK but has about 1/2 the population.

    Free Member

    my popliteal fossa. you know, the name for the back of the knee.

    Popliteal fossa?? What’s sort of name is that ffs?

    Head, ears, feet, shoulders, chest, mouth, …….. popliteal fossa?? You’re having a laugh.

    There is no proper name for the back of the knee.

    Or the back of the hand.

    That Canada should take more migrants…

    Full Member

    Or the back of the hand.

    I call it the ‘anti-palm’


    My favorite medical term by a long shot is the…. Gubernaculum
    Love it!

    Full Member

    Our uni lecturer said that there’s no such thing as a straight line it is just a circle with an infinite radius therefore nothing is truly straight in nature

    Utter codswallop.
    Every fule knoweth that it is an arc with infinite radius.

    what total balls. The first bit that is. Arc (even if you forgive her that bit) with an infinite radius is a straight line. Anything less than a straight line and it’s an arc with a finite radius. Quite how you get a “therefore…” out of a definition, I don’t know. Nature or not. And what’s nature? physics and maths at the end of the day, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I call it the ‘anti-palm’

    Yeah right, that’s clearly made up.

    What’s the back of the head called………reverse-face ?

    Full Member

    Anti-face, surely. Makes perfect sense, especially given what we’ve just learned about the palm/anti-palm relationship.

    Come on ernie, concentrate.

    Free Member

    What’s the back of the head called

    About face obvs.

    Full Member

    Remind me, what’s the back of the stomach/trunk called?
    Think about it….!


    Free Member

    Bob Holness is Prince Harry’s real dad

    Free Member

    Hey DrP, I’ll trade your anti-palm and popliteal fossa for opisthenar and knee-pit 😉

    Free Member

    Bob Holness is Prince Harry’s real dad

    He might have been but he’s dead now.

    Playing Baker Street to a celestial audience in the sky.

    Free Member


    I am looking at Helsport Varanger 12-14 – we need a few at work… Worth checking out other prices on Scandi products..

    Full Member

    That the world’s first commercial maglev train system was in Birmingham 1984 .

    Shame they didn’t stick with it we could all have been commuting to work at 300mph

    It had a bit of a flaw – if the power cuts then the train just drops onto the track and stops completely dead. I was the birmingham onewhen it did that once, luckily it just as we were slowing up and almost stopped for the platform but it was enough to throw everyone onboard on the floor, even a second or two earlier it would have been a pretty serious accident. I presume at any speed, let alone 300mph the problem with maglev is suddenly not levitating.

    Free Member

    The world is ON course to eliminate extreme poverty in the next 15 years.

    Free Member

    The French do not have a word for nuts 😀

    Full Member

    Remind me, what’s the back of the stomach/trunk called?

    The Otherwise Central Zone?

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