I’ve been switching between my icebraker merino base layer and my various synthetic ones with my Endura Helium. I was slowly starting to think my Altura winter baselayer was better than the merino job until I stuck the merino on again for a 4hour ride in close to zero degrees with a serious windchill.
The icebreaker merino felt warmer very soon into the ride and shortly thereafter I’d forgotten about it. I then wore it on Monday passed – nearly 3 hours in the driving rain, gale force wind, on top of a mountain, miserable conditions. I was wearing my merino icebreaker with an Endura Helium jacket, nothing else up top and my upper body felt pretty much spot on despite being soaked. My lower half with synthetic liner shorts and Endura MT500 spray baggies were soaked, cold and saturated. Freezing in fact. Each to their own.