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  • Memory map download maps
  • jamesb
    Free Member

    Im looking at a couple of trail centre routes (Hamsterley Forest, Durham) but they come as Mem Map data. Ive not got MM on my computer (Anquet instead) so is it possible to convert teh MM file to Anquet, or another easily accessible data piece / software? Please answer gently for not computer techy person!

    Free Member

    yes its quite easy, go to http://www.gpsbabel.org/

    Free Member

    Thanks, however I can`t see from their conversion listings a Mem Map to Anquet conversion, or am i missing this?

    Free Member

    Convert y
    To a generic file. then copy the generic one on to the one you need?

    Free Member

    can you not download the memory map files into google earth (not sure if this is poss)
    or if you want email me the files and I will give it a go – I have both memory map and anquet on my computer

    Free Member

    Yes, GPSBabel is probably the best way to do this. Set the input format to Memory Map Overlay (mmo), and the output to GPX XML.
    GPX is a standard format for tracks/waypoints/routes, which is supported by most mapping software, including Anquet (in the latest version anyway).

    There is an online version of GPSBabel here, which may be easier to use: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/gpsbabel/

    Free Member

    Thanks all for input on this, I`ll have a look again at Babel; not sure though whether my v06 version Anquet will be up to task, maybe why it was quite cheap for whole of UK??!!

    Free Member

    just how much was the whole UK on Anquet?

    Free Member

    just how much was the whole UK on Anquet?

    i got it free from a scratchcard that was in last months MBUK 😆

    Free Member

    £130 @1:50k 3 years ago

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