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  • Mcdonalds breakfasts for pre riding………..
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    I dont eat meat, company lies about its products having meat in it. Would I eat a product they say is vegetarian or cannot guarantee has not been in contact meat stuff. No I would not. I do accept they say their chips do not have beef in them I do not trust them for the reasons above.

    I am not really sure what that has to do with slavery or Bristol.

    PS the Double breakfast kept you well fuelled Ton and deprived me of my usual high number of food stops 🙁 …save it for the return home next time eh.
    As always nice troll Ton.

    Free Member

    I am not really sure what that has to do with slavery or Bristol.

    Pretty much my point. Thank you.

    Free Member

    I wish they still sold root beer.

    Free Member

    I wish Wendys was still here. Its the only fast food place that I actually enjoyed eating at 🙁

    Free Member

    Mc(sh!te)Donalds must also be the biggest cause of litter in the whole world. Everywhere you go you see bags & cups with 'McBollix' written on, strewn throughout the land. Never mind the Lake District, should be banned from everywhere.
    Our lass will have one OCCASIONALLY. I'd rather starve. (to death)

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member

    I am not really sure what that has to do with slavery or Bristol.

    Pretty much my point. Thank you

    Excellent so we both agree that McD food ingredients and the companies truth about them is unrelated to slavery and Bristol. There will be some happy academics now we have finally cleared that mystery up for them

    Err. When I see small children in McDonalds I automatically think the parents have failed their children.

    Lol, you muppet. Do you have kids?

    I think I'll sleep easy about not failing my daughter occassionally when I consider her educational and sporting achievements thanks.

    Full Member

    Mc(sh!te)Donalds must also be the biggest cause of litter in the whole world.

    Well it might be the root source, but I think the cause is clearly the lazy shites that drop it. There's nothing on McDonald's packaging that suggests to me any reason why it doesn't belong in the bin. It might have something to do with the class of customer they tend to attract…

    Free Member

    I dont eat meat, company lies about its products having meat in it. Would I eat a product they say is vegetarian or cannot guarantee has not been in contact meat stuff. No I would not. I do accept they say their chips do not have beef in them I do not trust them for the reasons above.

    What does it matter if you don't know about it?

    Free Member

    In honour of this thread I just rode several miles out of my way to find a McD's and sample one of these 'breakfasts of the gods'

    Actually not that bad 😳 and almost certainly no worse for you in moderation than the much raved about 'cream teas' and 'monster fry ups' that seem to often grace these pages……

    Free Member

    Jesus Juan, thats alittle angry. In a really nice way over the past year or so your posts have changed, gone onto the negative side. Hope all is well. (In a nice way).

    Free Member

    In a really nice way over the past year or so your posts have changed, gone onto the negative side.

    Well maybe it has to do with your attitude… You can't always be on the same side of the stick you know.
    But back to topic. Until this summer I managed to avoid McDo for about 5-6 years. Got stuck on the motorbike on my way back from l'alpe d'huez and had to stop at briançon. Gosh that was horrible, I think in all fairness that McDo don't deserve to be called food.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You know, I now feel sorry that I took the pi$$ out of Hora on this thread, he doesn't deserve that written about him.

    Free Member

    You know the line between "harmless banter" and "unpleasantness"?

    Back that way….

    Full Member

    seriously you people, how the **** does a question about food turn into this.

    Free Member

    You know the line between "harmless banter" and "unpleasantness"?

    Back that way…

    That line is a dot to Juan.

    Free Member

    That line is a dot to Juan.

    Well I am not the only one. And as I say when you give the stick you can take the stick.

    Free Member

    seriously you people, how the **** does a question about food turn into this.

    Because McDonalds can be a highly emotive subject. I cant stand the proliferation of Burger King and McDonalds in the UK. Ok there are other food choices at service stations on the motorway but you will always find a McDonalds or BK. Always. On a few trips to Germany although the food isnt nowhere near cultured- I still eat at them (like them) in fact. Theres one chain (cant remember its name) that does a great Schnitzel with veg. I don't like the childrens meals/the ads – it strikes (me) as almost tobacco-like in mcDonalds targeting.

    When Ive eaten a mcdonalds I always feel in someway 'dirty'. Its my opinion, sorry if it offends.

    Well I am not the only one. And as I say when you give the stick you can take the stick.

    Did someone call you a cock Juan? No.

    Free Member

    Did someone call you a cock Juan? No.

    As a matter of fact yes (not on this thread though) and second I have not called you so… Yet.

    Free Member

    Juan, read further up- you jumped onto the back of another post against me. Stop **** arguing anyway, if you dont agree with someone say it- if you think someone is being over inflammotory say a witty-put down. Far better and Im personally not very good at wittiness. So you'd win on that one.

    Full Member

    Hora… Juan… Back down before I ban you both for a day or two. Seriously..

    Now on to the topic at hand.. McD stopped frying chips in beef fat over twenty years ago after a campaign by the vegetarian society (even they wanted to go to McDs it seems). Unfortunately the switch to vegetable oil was not a great success as people complained that the fries didn;t taste as good. McD solved this by developing a non-meat additive that they coated their fries with prior to distribution to stores that made the fries taste as if they had in fact been fried in beef tallow fat. After that people loved them again..

    Source – Fast Food Nation

    Free Member

    Shake Juan? 🙂

    Free Member

    a non-meat additive that they coated their fries with prior to distribution to stores that made the fries taste as if they had in fact been fried in beef tallow fat


    Free Member

    hora – Member

    Shake Juan?

    lol – vanilla or strawberry ?

    Free Member

    seriously you people, how the **** does a question about food turn into this.

    Well, you asked a group of people (Cyclists, STWers) that are most probably fitter and eat far better food than the national average what they thought of crap fast food. Durr. 🙂

    FWIW, what's wrong with cereal and toast before you leave home? Cheaper, nicer, faster.
    I haven't had McDs food, save for the odd coffee or ice-cream, for maybe 10 years now. It's just tateless stodge.

    Free Member

    FWIW, what's wrong with cereal and toast before you leave home?

    Everything my dear;) everything.
    Nice and freshly baked baguette with some organic butter and home made jam, now you are talking 😉

    Free Member

    Homemade Bacon and egg on Muffin
    My fave……Ambrosia Creamed Rice/Rice pudding 😀

    Free Member

    "Well, you asked a group of people (Cyclists, STWers) that like to think they are most probably fitter and eat far better food than the national average what they thought of crap fast food. Durr"

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