I noticed a couple of folk querying if a 28mm would fit in. Got to say It would be too tight in my estimation.
Just fitted 25mm Schwalbe Pro Ones and as you can see the gap is pretty tight. I’m putting a strip of hellitape in there to protect against damage from road grit.
The frame is a medium. I don’t know if bigger frames have more clearance.
Overall I’m loving the bike. Just starting to do longer distances on it, off road 4o miles is a good ride for me, on it I can see why 60 miles just flies by. Just got to sort out going clipless and I’ll be there but TBH in the crappy gusty weather of late I’ve enjoyed being in flats.
The frame seems really good at absorbing vibration but going tubeless and dropping down to around 75psi has made a major difference. Still playing with tyre pressures though. That bloody cast iron seatpost does have to go.