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  • Massive slab of topside advice
  • bearnecessities
    Full Member

    Following on from the helpful tips received on a Sirloin over the weekend, I’ve now got a 2kg topside joint defrosting, to cook up tomorrow.

    …any hints on a) cooking advice and b) what the hell I can do with it aside from meat & veg and sarnies over the next few days?!

    Ta, Rich

    Free Member

    As per the steak thread, get it up to room temp, sear the outside all over and cook in a heavy based cooking pot before leaving for a good 20 mins to settle.

    My current fave roast beefy thing is to coat the surface in crushed pepper scorns and sea salt before sealing in foaming butter and roast on a decent heat until medium rare. Then leave to settle for as long as you need to finish your roast spuds, beetroot and carrots. Then carve it thinly and serve with creamed parsnip purée and marmalade gravy and some nice savoy cabbage.

    God I’m hungry 🙂

    Edit: a very, very decent ex chef friend of mine is trying to persuade me to get a meat thermometer. Makes cooking your joint to perfection much easier apparently.

    Full Member

    Cheers Yossarian, that sounds good but I can’t be faffed to get all fancy with the veg (as nice as it sounds!) – nice rosemary roasties, some swede & carrot mash and a bit of cabbage with pepper is as far as I’ll be going!

    Meat cooking sounds good though,..’Decent’ heat – what’s that, 180 in a fan? Cooked open or blind?

    (I know I could google, but I prefer STW so far based on evidence!)

    EDIT: My largest pan is only just big enough to seal it!

    Free Member

    I did silverside with a sundried tomato and anchovy crust at the weekend. went well…..

    Free Member

    In a hot smoker with Hickory lump wood at about 101 deg C for 5 or so hours, making sure the internal temperature is over 60deg C, maybe rub it with Garlic and a couple of oxo cubes before it goes in.

    Free Member

    ‘Massive’ and ‘2kg’ – are you serious?

    That’s barely a joint for 4.

    Full Member

    ‘Massive’ and ‘2kg’ – are you serious?

    It’s for 1

    Free Member

    It’s for 1

    Then you should’ve cut it up before freezing.

    Full Member

    I really think we need a regular CookeryTrackWorld thread….

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