Home Forums Bike Forum Maps that show – roads, green lanes, BW’s

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  • Maps that show – roads, green lanes, BW’s
  • FunkyDunc
    Free Member

    Does such a map exist?

    I have OS Maps access but it can be very difficult in the area where I live to pick out a routes.

    I want to try and create routes for my road bike that include all of the above. Does a map exist that allows you to show just those options?

    Strava is no good as it will include all cycling, which could obviously include steep MTB trails.


    Full Member

    I have OS 1:25,000 on my phone and GPS – easy to see the different track designations.

    Full Member

    I’ll be honest, I don’t get why an OS map isn’t perfect for that.

    Roads – obvious
    BW – long green dashes
    Green lanes/cycle paths/other bikeable RoW – green dots

    What else do you need?

    1:50k is sometime easier than 1:25k as it removes some of the ‘distracting’ detail.

    Full Member

    Try rowmaps.com.

    Puts an overlay on various different maps (OS< bing, openstreetmap etc.)

    You can filter the footpaths out by the way.

    Free Member

    Thanks Benjim thats what I was after, although even that isnt comprehensive, stuff that I know is a green lane isnt marked.

    At least I can use that as a guide and plot with Viewranger.

    Full Member

    Bikehike has OS map view too.

    Free Member

    Just use Komoot it’s the best route planner as you can tell it what sort of bike you are riding and it plans routes accordingly.

    Obviously it’s not 100% but it’s a great start and you soon realise which bits to reroute once you have actually risen them.

    It also classes roads as highways, B roads and county lanes and you can highlight each category and reroute to avoid busy roads.

    It also classes off-road sections into single track, fire roads, bridle ways and footpaths etc and you can highlight each category and reroute those.

    It also has suggestions from other riders that you can incorporate into your route where they leave descriptions and pictures.

    Some people don’t like it but I can’t see any downsides with it.

    Full Member

    Any app that shows OpenCycleMap data? I use ViewRanger.

    Full Member

    I was trying to do this last night using Ride With GPS. I was highlighting all the sections I know that are good for gravel bikes to try and create a ‘fast’ traffic free route with minimal slogging through fields using the ‘Add’ function, but it would only let me select and save individual segments.

    Is there a route planner that will let me highlight sections of preferred trails and save them in one map so I can link them into larger loops as and when?

    The easy option would be a good old paper map and a highlighter but I’d like to be able to keep changing it!

    Full Member

    Green lane is not a legal definition, but a descriptive one. As such green lanes are any lane with a grass or mud surface. If they are not marked as PROW or ORPA on OS mapping 99% with be illegal to use.

    Full Member

    Have you tried looking at your local council definitive maps?

    Free Member

    Slowoldman +1

    . If they are not marked as PROW or ORPA on OS mapping 99% with be illegal to use.

    I believe higher rights exist on this route and will continue to exercise them until settled by public inquiry

    Unless you are on a MX or 4×4 and then you should have it confiscated

    Free Member

    The TRF used to have an online map that showed ‘green lanes’ and their status, pretty sure it’ll still be there

    Free Member

    +1 http://www.bikehike.co.uk

    And if you know any that aren’t on it, go to OSM and add them.

    Full Member

    Yes that idiot attitude that what I’m doing is alright but other user groups that I don’t like shouldn’t be allowed. By the same token a walker or horserider can use that self same argument against you.
    What is indisputable is that higher rights that may exist will be down to vehicle usage in the past, not walkers, and since it is a lane probably not equestrian usage.

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