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  • Magura Wotans
  • charliemort
    Full Member

    numpty questions……..

    can you adjust the travel on a Wotan without the flight control remote lever?

    and assuming you need the flight control remote, is this standard or does it come as an optional extra?


    yours in numptiness……….

    Free Member

    The FCR is needed to adjust travel without stopping the bike. It is standard so dont worry. It is however also very easy to break! I broke 2 before I even rode the fork!

    You can adjust the travel by twisting the lever and pushing down on the forks while stationary but its a pain.

    I replaced the FCR with a butchered Poploc leaver and it works great.

    Free Member

    You need the remote to adjust the travel on the Wotan. (Unless you can do a wheelie one handed 8O). You don’t however have to fit it and could just leave the lever in the box.

    Free Member

    I’ve heard a lot about people having negative experiences with these, I’ll probably replace my 66’s with some Wotans eventually so I’d be interested to hear what peoples experiences are of these please??

    Free Member

    I also broke 2 FC levers, the 07 more compact one seems far more durable than the 08 one

    Free Member

    I found the supplied cable corroded very quickly, so i removed the lever and just set it before every ride. If you can justify having Wotans on, then just best leave them wound out to full travel, and adjust the albert select for different terrain instead of travel.

    Free Member

    had mine for 8 mths solid stiff & very reliable.
    the alloy version of the remote levers looked good but was very crude inuse so i changed it for a poploc.

    the decals can peel easy off the legs but hey its a maountain bike.

    the initial travel is exellent & they are plush all the way through the travel allthough on climbs in th 6″ setting if you pull up on the forks there is some clunking,maguar said ….this is the top out mount to prevent damage to the bushes .it can be a bit alarming at first but pulling on the bars is not an efficiant way of riding & you adapt to it.

    Free Member

    I do have to say I find the 120mm option good for climbing.

    Free Member

    I’ve been running a set for over a year and they have been great, very plush and super stiff. The travel adjust is standard and yes the lever is a little fragile but I found I was doing it up too tight (actually I was told that). That said I have taken it off now and use them at 160, I kind of think that if you’re using a 160 fork you’ll never be the quickest on the climbs. And one final thing they are a real bargain compared to the new price of the Lyric 2 step air which it goes head to head with which is now knocking on the door of £950!!!

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