got an early 2015 macbook thats still going strong, however, the charger isnt and ive been bodging it with leccy tape.
i can get a free 'modern' charger, usb-c or micro or whatever they are these days, but is there such a thing as an adapter that would fit that to plug into my 'veteran'? google suggests its er.... complicated.
mine is one of those wide, magnetic chargers, looks to be about 17mm across.
I think the answer is yes, but I haven't tried one so can't recommend.
"Magsafe" is the name of the connection you're after, and I found myself in need of a replacement at short notice a few weeks ago. I ended up buying a 2nd hand complete charger from CEX - easy to check what was in stock and pick up same day, for less than half the price of a new one.
I ended up buying a 2nd hand complete charger from CEX – easy to check what was in stock and pick up same day, for less than half the price of a new one.
thats not a bad shout, ill try my local store. thanks.
looked on a 'which charger' site and just posting this for reference......
That reminds me, I think I have one, possibly two, to sell...
I think complicated because the specifications have changed. I have just upgraded to a new MacBook Air (MagSafe 3) from a 2012 MacBook Pro (the original MagSafe). You can get adapters that enable my charger from the 2012 MacBook to work MagSafe 2 systems (most laptops from 2012 onwards), but not MagSafe 3 (all the recent M1/M2 models), so I can't recycle my existing chargers to use with my new laptop. So if you have an absolutely up to date charger for a recent MacBook it probably won't work with anything older.
here we go again
my bro has just given me 2 old macbooks as theyre just sat doing nowt in his drawer. however..... no adaptors.
one of them is same as mine, so thats easy, its the above adaptor. the other, not so easy. ive googled and looked at lists but i can only ever see either 'T' or 'L' shape adaptors listed as options. this one is probably older than the others, and has a disc drive on the RH side. macbook rather than macbook pro. the charging point looks to be magnetic again, but pretty much the same shape as a usb port. i can take a pic if needed.
any ideas?
On the back of the macbook, there should be a code lazer marked into the body
It will be something like A1502
Could you let me know what that is, and i'll have a proper look in my random drawer of chargers
Just to add to this
There is Magsafe 1L and Magsafe 2T
The newer version that you've already got is the 2T version, and I am 99% certain the older one will be MagSafe 1L
But the code will confirm
On the back of the macbook, there should be a code lazer marked into the body
It will be something like A1502
@jhpbk included in all the tiny bumph? if so it says 'model no A1278'
EDIT: its this port on the left
Yep, thats it
So you definitely need the Magsafe 1L
Which if I can get images to post, will look like this -
You can either buy a full charger, or I have used these in the past -
Ebay link, choose option B
@jhpbk it does indeed, top info, weve got spare usb-c chargers so ill order one of those adaptors.
just so i dont make a booboo, that link has a choice of 2. looking at the shape, am i right that i need 'option B'?
EDIT: located in china, and a review stating that it created sparks? have you actually ordered from this place, or was it just for reference, showing me what i need?
Ahhh, I hadn't remotely checked the reviews, and thats definitely not the same place that mine came from.
I recon mine is around 2 years old, but looks very very similar.
So that was purely for reference, and the first place google suggested.
There are a few for sale on Amazon too, just search for "Magsafe 1 Adapter"
But if you do choose to try that eBay link, it is option B
I found mine! If I haven’t since lost it again I will ping you a PM
@bentandbroken thanks mate. is this the original one or the magsafe 1 jobbie ive just been asking about?
In the past I've picked up secondhand MagSafe chargers from Ebay to replace mine which have been lashed up with tape until they died.