Home Forums Chat Forum The new Mac Pro – ooooooooh!

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  • The new Mac Pro – ooooooooh!
  • peterfile
    Free Member

    This looks great!

    Mac Pro – fanboi pron[/url]

    Full Member

    Yup. Also the coolest demo website evah!

    Free Member

    Don’t know what it is…. but I want one

    Full Member

    Hmm, have we not been there before with small form, uber cooling and different design? 😉

    Free Member

    Is it any good for storing bread in though?

    Full Member

    It looks to be taking some design queues from the Xi3 aka Steam Box http://xi3.com/

    Plus near to its release it might be chance to pick up a relative bargain out of the current Mac Pro range

    Free Member

    hmmm where’s the Mac TV screen

    Free Member

    Ill probably get one as long as its not silly money, would like to see thunderbolt drives/enclosures come down a bit in price. Should make short work of editing HD with no proxies (no 4k for me yet) and the GPU’s will speed up image processing in capture1 and Phocus which rely heavily on the GPU.

    Free Member

    Forget the Mac Pro, iOS now has automatic app updates! wooooooo!!!

    Free Member

    Did they put Dyson cyclone vacuum cleaner in a box? 😆

    I want one … :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    ‘needs a ring pull.

    Full Member

    Hmm, have we not been there before with small form, uber cooling and different design?

    Yup, we sure have, the logical development of the Cube. Which was a great little computer, we had one in the studio at my previous employer, and one of the directors still has it at home.
    I love my Mini, it sits under one corner of my telly like it was made to fit. Wouldn’t mind another couple of Tb of storage, but I can live with the 1.1 it’s got.
    The new Mac Pro does look very SF, but already the forum inhabitants are calling it rubbish because its expandability is through external Thunderbolt peripherals, rather than internal.
    Six ports, each capable of running six daisy-chained devices, must mean greater flexibility, surely?

    Free Member

    It’s just a computer, its just a computer, its just a computer…

    Nope, it’s not working!

    Anyone want to buy my soul? I need one of these in my life!

    Free Member

    envy is a terrible thing….

    Free Member

    Looks like a wastepaper basket, and I want it with every ounce of my being! Plenty of power for my STW forum needs…

    Full Member

    Could you whack the fan up to full, and hover a beach ball above it?
    Only then am I in….


    Full Member

    Beautiful machine on it’s own. In reality a mess of external devices and miles of cables for every device. In addition to looking out of place with current line of brushed aluminium devices…

    Free Member

    Looks cool on display. Probably not so much once there are over 9,000 wires hanging out the back.

    Free Member

    Great hardware spec. Can you run Windows 7 on it?

    Free Member

    Great hardware spec. Can you run Windows 7 on it?

    Expensive way of running windows….

    Free Member

    Great hardware spec. Can you run Windows 7 on it?

    I’m planning on running a Windows Mobile hack I downloaded from the Pirate Bay.

    Free Member

    Im guessing for the price of that jet powered camping toilet, I could build some kind of uber domestic blade server based monster 🙂

    Free Member

    I now have 2 children to sell, anyone want to buy them ?

    Free Member

    and by the look of it the heat comes out of the top so rather than gently warming your toes it will blow hot air under the desk leaving you with beaty swallocks 🙂

    Full Member

    In addition to looking out of place with current line of brushed aluminium devices…

    The ‘current’ brushed aluminium devices have been around for a decade (edit – actually 12 years). I think its a fair guess that this is the first of the not-brushed-aluminium devices and within a year or so will have plenty of company.

    Free Member


    Ive just bought my first brushed aluminium device

    Full Member

    Why you early adopter you

    Free Member


    While we’re here, what do we think about iOS 7 (or did I miss another thread?)?


    Not entirely convinced by what I’ve seen but we’ll see.

    Free Member

    While we’re here, what do we think about iOS 7 (or did I miss another thread?)?

    No idea where they are getting their ideas from

    Free Member

    Why do you open every single Apple thread on here just to be a hater? It’s a bit sad really.

    They don’t even look vaguely similar anyway. 😕

    Full Member

    I’m sure it’s an amazing beast, but the wastepaper basket look doesn’t entirely convince.

    Full Member

    No idea where they are getting their ideas from

    iOS jailbreak apps, by the looks of it.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a dev account so downloaded ios7 onto my iPhone 5. It’s – different…

    I like some aspects and not others. Totally new direction and will take a while for the rough edges to wear off, that’s for sure.


    Full Member

    That’s just caused more fuss in the studio than a delivery of skinny decaff, fair trade lattes’s!


    Free Member

    It is very pretty, and I do like the inbuilt CIA monitoring port. 😕

    Full Member

    What sort of work do you need to do that means you need a Mac Pro rather than an Imac these days? I would have thought modern Imacs must be powerful enough for the vast majority of even the most graphic hungry users.

    Free Member

    Why do you open every single Apple thread on here just to be a hater? It’s a bit sad really.

    They don’t even look vaguely similar anyway.
    Came to see what all the fuss was about 🙂

    Free Member

    Be interesting to hear how quiet it actually is, but it’s good to see Apple doing something a bit different.

    Free Member

    What sort of work do you need to do that means you need a Mac Pro rather than an Imac these days? I would have thought modern Imacs must be powerful enough for the vast majority of even the most graphic hungry users.

    Video editing and 3D graphics I’d imagine.

    Full Member

    Nice looking thing. Wholly impractical, but it looks nice.

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