Holy thread resurrection, Batman…
having received three slugsworth of photon goodness (thanks Troutie!) I’m vascillating over how hard to drive ’em.
One narrow is relatively straightforward, and is gonna get a b(2)flex, on account of it’ll be one of two commute lights on the front of my recumbent…more flexibility/runtime is better (albeit at ~17 quid more than a bct driver) – and low volt detect is v. handy ‘cos it’ll be past my feet, where I won’t see it dimming under street lighting..
If I were to use the other two together – wide and narrow (probably wide on the bars)- what are relatively sensible drives for each? eg would running both at 830mA work ok, without one swamping the other, or would an 830/670 or 980/830 combinations be better? – I’d guess with the wide being at the higher drive ?
BTW – in case anyone’s curious about led voltages, I’ve checked out each on a bench power supply at 0.8A
wide : 8.8v
narrow1 : 9.4v
narrow2 : 9.6v