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  • Low carb diets.
  • mrmonkfinger
    Free Member

    all the diet addicts should have a read of either “the health delusion” or the “diet delusion”

    one word: zen

    Free Member

    Credit where it’s due, the low insulin idea was posted by iDave.
    Yes, that’s how I got into researching it for myself.

    iDave, received some information, looked into it, tried it out for himself and eventually formulated the document he gave away on STW, to all who asked for it. The one thing about iDave was, he didn’t allow himself to become trapped in the established paradigm when this new information came to him. He remained open minded, looked into it, tried it and proved to himself, whether or not it was what it said on the tin.

    There’s loads of different ways to lose excess body fat and the numbers will support a direct but flawed correlation that the slimmer you are, the healthier you will be.

    Just remember, when you’re not scoffing low GI, or fasting. Move about a bit, its good for you. You could even try… riding a bike.

    Now, has anyone successfully machined a head tube created to take an integrated HS, to accept an internal HS ?

    Full Member

    Move about a bit, its good for you.

    rubbish……..you dont even have to do any exercise to lose weight.
    i managed…….. 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Any diet will work. If you stick at it, and your sensble.
    I’ve dropped from 80kg to 74kg over the summer just by cutting out cake, crisps, beer and mainly cooking my own meals. Very little processed stuff. Snacked on fruit and mixed nuts. Rode my (road) bike lots as well.
    Results; flew up hills, felt great.
    Healthy eating has to be the best “diet” going.

    Full Member

    Just having a quick browse in between giving the shed another coat of paint so not had time to read all the thread.
    If it’s been mentioned sorry, but OP check out the fasting diet if you haven’t already.

    Ditto [although I’m not shed painting 🙂 ] Do check out the ‘fasting’ 5:2 approach. At it simplest it really is ‘eat less’/ calories in/out, but there are other benefits – which you may or may not be interested in – of which a key one is the psychological advantages of not constantly having to alter/ monitor what you eat. I was sceptical but it’s simple & it works. Eating fresh/ unprocessed, low sugar, cutting out the crap etc, should of course be part of any sensible eating plan.

    Free Member

    OP. I hate the word diet but cutting out / down a lot on bread, potatoes, rice and pasta (all a weakness for me) as well as excersizing more made a big difference to me, after my knee injury when I couldn’t excersize and was doing some comfort eating (and drinking !) I put on 5kg which I’ve now lost. Also try not to eat too much processed and/or prepared meals as they tend to have a lot of “bad stuff” in them. I can still treat myself to an M&S Curry but for example a Chicken Jalfreizi is 350 calories, add rice and it’s 700+, I’d rather eat twice as much curry and skip the rice !

    Also, cut down on the booze, it’s really bad for calories and when you’ve had a few you tend to eat badly too.

    Free Member

    I’d rather eat twice as much curry and skip the rice !

    Absolutely the way forward!

    Free Member

    Healthy eating has to be the best “diet” going.

    ‘Healthy’ is not a specific enough word though. Pasta, rice, potatoes and bread are not specifically unhealthy, but cutting them out can result in weight loss. And if you eat them you could still be pretty healthy, fat or thin.

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