Continuing the STW tradition of asking strangers for medical advice, any ideas on this one?
I woke up fine this morning, shaved etc. then in the shower my right arm started playing up (was trying to make a small movement but it resulted in a big movement) and my right leg started shortly after. It was quite amusing for about 30 seconds (like I was a puppet on a string) but then it crossed my mind I might be having a stroke or something :p After about half an hour it calmed down (although it's taken a couple of hours before it feels pretty much back to normal).
Google didn't shed any light on things and getting a doctor's appointment is PITA so I figured I'd leave it unless it happened again. The sensation is hard to describe, when bringing my arm towards me (I guess contracting the bicep) it was pretty normal but when moving my arm away it was like something was giving it an extra push so it moved away further and faster than my brain was telling it to, didn't actually feel like a muscle spasm though. No other symptoms either (no headache, no blurred vision, pupils evenly dilated, no rashes, face felt fine). Do I have hours to live?