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  • Looking at getting a pooch. Cockapoo? Trial?
  • giddyrob
    Free Member

    Hey guys,

    thinking about getting dog. Do lots of hikes and want a dog that can do about 10-15 miles. Not going to be biking everyday like this, but when I bike this is the minimum I do. Live in the South Downs.

    After looking at a lot of breeds it seems the Cockapoo might well fit the bill. Would like a bigger family dog, but the misses ain’t biting.

    Can a dog like this usually cope with that kind of distance if it’s pretty fit? I usually do lots of hiking so the little sod won’t get much rest ;) Though it won’t have to be doing a daily bike ride.

    Again, it’s a bit limiting in breeds as we have kids, old cat, and a wife that won’t have anything too big or not “cute”!



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    Designer dogs = unscrupulous puppy farmers :(

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    I think you need to consider the daily exercise of the dog and not just the hike distances as they make a bigger contribution to the dogs ability to walk.

    I know a lot of people with Cockapoos and some are super fit as they get walked daily, some sleep more than anything else as they get 10 minutes out on a lead a day.

    I’ve got a pug, despite what people say about them being lazy mine gets walked about 6-7 mile a day and can walk mountains without issues.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the daily distance is 3-5 miles without thinking so it needs to be able to do that a more when I go for a longer hike or bike.

    If they can generally do 10-15 miles while I’m on the bike then should be good :)


    Free Member

    Contribute to society and get a nice rescue dog!

    Free Member

    O and by the way, to humanity in general: STOP MAKING UP NAMES FOR CROSSBREEDS!

    Free Member

    Designer dogs = unscrupulous puppy farmers 🙁

    Don’t contribute


    Contribute to society and get a nice rescue dog!

    Also agree!

    If you do you *ALWAYS* have to tell people it’s a rescue, though. It’s the rules.

    Free Member

    Get a Cockatoo instead, everyone’s got a dog these days, be different.

    Free Member

    A cockerpoo is a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. Both breeds capable of covering far more distance in a day than you will ever be able to.

    Just remember this, a fit dog will expect to do the same amount of exercise every day, all year. No matter the weather, how you’re feeling, or if you’ve had a late night and a stinking hangover. Routine is important, if they don’t get it, expect destruction.

    And all dogs totally rock, but rescues rock that little bit harder. ;-)

    Full Member


    This +1000000

    It’s a mongrel (nowt wrong with that)

    Full Member


    What like lurchers?

    Its the breeds that are the problem, cause nothing but in breeding depression.

    Anyway Hikes yes, most non toy dogs will walk further than you, biking, no you’ll just wear it out.

    Free Member

    ? I have two small kids. I have always got rescue animals, but as we need to try and get something that will fit in, temperament wise so I’m looking for a puppy that will fit the bill.

    I’m happy to lend you my two mental kids for a week! Last thing I want is another animal with behaviour issues. So trying to do my homework.

    I have also looked after rescue dogs in the past, before kids, and know that I’m not looking to train out bad habits or put my kids at risk as the dog has some mental issues.

    I know nothing is guaranteed, but on this occasion I’m trying to get something that will fit in and not take a shit load of work to fix. It’s sad, I know, as if I was on my own I would just get a rescue mutt. Not my circumstance so can’t risk it.


    Full Member

    a fit dog will expect to do the same amount of exercise every day

    This is probably generally true, but we have a Cocker (show not working) and he will happily run forever and ever BUT will also be happy chilling indoors with just a couple of 10 minute strolls around the block. Quite often we don’t get past the end of the drive on his pre-bed walk, has a pee on the grass and drags us back indoors. You have to be prepared for them not to be like ours though.

    And in answer to your original question, yes they should be more than capable for that distance.

    (Also Cocker > Cockerpoo, buy I’m biased :D )

    Free Member

    BTW, end of the day any breeding is making the gene pool shallow… A mutt is the best choice, but it’s a gamble on what kind of dog you get :/ I am not in a position to look after another nutter in the house ;) That’s me included ;)

    Free Member

    Now, I quite fancy a Spring Spaniel. Anyone had any experiences of these dogs? Families, biking, hiking etc.

    Ta :)

    Full Member

    BTW, end of the day any breeding is making the gene pool shallow

    True but pretty much all breeds are bred for aesthetics and this cause untold suffering. Lurchers somehow avoided becoming breeds like terriers did and have less health issues. The Kennel Club are a nightmare.

    Full Member

    We have a Cockerpoo, just coming up to 1 year old. He’s from a small working cocker mum, and miniature poodle dad, so he’s quite small for the breed at just over 8 kilos.

    He’s very clever, was very easy to train and a great natured dog.

    We do about 5 miles most days with him following me on the bike, he could go for longer definitely at a slower pace.

    Free Member

    Thanks, yeah, sounds like they are going to be a little slow and lack the endurance I really would like.

    Man, it’s tricky picking a dog when there’s so many things to consider when you have a family etc…

    Free Member

    15 miles on the bike might be a bit much especially in summer. My lab has had to retire from biking now she’s 9 and has arthritis but she used to do up to 10 miles OK. They will run themselves to death though so you have to be careful. My friends long legged lurcher, cross collie type dog could do mega miles on the bike until recently and he’s 12 now.

    Free Member

    Yeah, upto 10 miles is ok. I have heard they just keep going so sometimes you don’t realise you are doing them harm.

    The more I look into it though, the more I think I need a breed that can kick out some energy. Just not sure a Border Collie might be too much???

    Full Member

    A labra-doodle might be better.

    Better legs for running with!

    Free Member

    Yeah, just looking at those. seems a bit more robust! We were looking a Schnauzers, but not sure if the guard dog in them might drive us a bit nuts. Not looking to train out a breed trait. Spent the last few years doing that with my kids LOL

    Full Member

    A collie would be too much imo. Need lots and lots of physical and mental exercise. My in laws had one and when I first moved in with them I’d take Meg (the collie) out all day. Covered miles walking and cycling. Meg was always less tired than me.

    Lab cross or collie cross could be good. Can’t beat a Heinz 57 dog.

    Free Member

    +1 for silly names

    +1 for rescues

    But, build up that distance slowly. Take vets advice. Feed it good food and train it properly. Don’t over do it. A dog will never complain about exercise (a proper one anyway) and will run to death to keep you happy.

    I do have a soft spot for cockerpoos, and poodles, and have a springer. Not a fan of labs I’m afraid. Find them a bit too big and too many problems.

    Mongrels are great as they generally don’t have the inbred joint problems.

    Free Member

    This little mongrel dog is looking for her forever home…..


    Free Member

    How about a poobrador? 😜

    Full Member

    My lab has had to retire from biking now she’s 9 and has arthritis but she used to do up to 10 miles OK.

    Do you think there’s a link?
    Dogs are for walking with not biking with imo.

    Free Member

    “Again, it’s a it limiting in breeds as we have kids, old cat, and a wife that won’t have anything too big or not “cute”!”

    Standard Poodle? Fails on the size thing but cute enough. Will do the distance. Doesn’t cast hair but needs groomed every 7 or 8 weeks. Great family dogs.

    Needs care if the kids are very small as a Standard Poodle running about full of energy might accidentally knock kids small kids over. They go from 20-30kg as adults.

    Free Member

    Dogs are for hunting in packs and eating us silly humans until we got involved with em IMO!

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    My Auntie had a big black poodle, no euphemism, when I was young. Great dog! Big thing, but was soft as owt!

    Full Member

    Vizla ticks your boxes 📦

    Full Member

    A Springer – you do have to exercise them – they love it though. A friend of ours fosters them – not a trendy breed now so lots get abandoned (and they need lots of exercise). She gets them to health for the Springer Charity, before they are re-homed.

    One would make a good trail dog !!

    Free Member

    We have a sproodle his mom is an English springer and dad toy poodle he is a very well natured dog loves to run but just as happy trotting along sniffing every blade of grass. We didn’t set out to get an expensive mongrel but I am so glad we did he came from a lady who owned both mom and dad which we met and just for stw she ran a St Bernard rescue and had a goat 😁😁

    Full Member

    Working Cockers might also be a good shout (basically smaller Springers). Ours has a fabulous nature, is clever and has shorter hair and ears than our old Show Cocker so is a damn sight easier to clean when she rolls in dead animals/bogs :)

    Full Member

    A mate of mine has a springer rescue. He also recently took in another springer, but it didn’t get on with his other dog – so it had to go back to the rescue charity. He’s out 2-3 times a day, with loads of walking – both he and the dog loves it. We are trying to get him back on his bikes (not been cycling much recently) I’ve said they make great trail dogs.

    Free Member

    We’ve got a springer. They’re awesome. You need to exercise their mind. Only dog we’ve had that’s not a rescue. Probably cost more and been harder work than any rescue.

    We also have two rescues. Charley who’s a collie mongrel. Here’s also awesome. And the latest is flora a kokoni from Cyprus. She’s erm awesome too.

    We lost our old lab/rotti cross alfie in feb last year after nine years of being with us. Miss him every day.

    Full Member

    In both posts you’ve used the words “bike” and “hike” interchangeably. They’re not the same thing for dogs.

    Free Member

    Long legged jack Russell. Get one from a working farm, not a puppy farm.

    Free Member

    If you do get a springer or cocker then remember they are gun dogs so will run around all day and cover lots of ground but it’s lots of small bursts, plenty of resting, lots of darting around, stopping to pick up scents etc etc. Doing a high speed 10-15 miles, especially on hard trails in summer, is not going to be good for them. They will need plenty of stops and chances to have a bit of a rummage around.

    A dalmation was bred to cover distance running with carriages. Much longer legs and stride. But I wouldnt have one, especially with a family.

    I still think a mongrel, chosen well, could be a better option. But when you get into that rescue shelter all that might go out of the window!

    Free Member

    Silly names for dogs, a “golden doodle” has to be the worst. On another note our neighbours have a cockerpoo and we help take him for a walk sometimes. The thing could run around all day in the fields but gets covered in crap and permanently jumps up at you. It has two moods, asleep or berserk. Very sweet mind you.

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