As midlifecrashes. I'd also tell the County Archaeologist. What you have there is something special me'thinks. I assume you live in an old house. have you looked into any of its history?
To date all I have found whilst renovating this place (built 1908) is the previous owners stash of retro-p0rn in the old kitchen units now in the garage and a tobacco tin? nailed into a really out of the way nook/ cranny in the cwtch under the stairs.
As a kid in East Anglia I often heard of cat skeletons, old pennies etc turning up in thatch when old houses were reroofed. And in our first proper home as a married couple, our North Wales farmer/ landlord told us of how he had replaced the bones into the walls of our house when he rennovated it…
We once heard music there when none was being played. Very odd indeed.