I’m currently thinking about changing my bike as I think it’s a bit cramped at times. All this talk of long modern bikes made me think a new one, a bit longer would be just the job.
Problem is my pea brain is having trouble working out the figures. My current bike has a ETT of 620mm in large where as the new ones I’m looking at are 630mm in large or 650mm in XL. Great stuff I thought, should be just the extra bit of room I need.
But then I look at the stems. My current one has a 60mm, down from the 70mm stock. The new bikes run at 40 or 50mm so in actual fact the total length will either be the 10mm longer if I go XL or 10mm shorter If I stick with a large. So ‘long’ doesn’t actually mean longer in total or am I missing something?
I don’t want to buy a new ‘long’ bike that actually ends up being shorter than my old one! For reference the current bike is a Orange Alpine 5, the new one either the 5 or Segment.